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Photo: Israeli Soldiers Take Key Hamas Building

AP Photo/Joe Rosenthal

In modern war there are photographs that come to symbolize major turning points in the war. You can likely picture many of these with little trouble, photos of soldiers taking important strategic locations and statues to dictators being toppled to the ground. It's almost a form of schadenfreude, seeing the works of your enemies collapse with your proud countrymen standing atop of them. The war between the Israeli's and the Palestinians still has a long way to go of course, but when everything is said and done it doesn't seem unlikely that this photo that was released today will take just such a place in Israeli history.


Honestly that's a kind of sad Legislative Council building, if we're being honest. Many small cities all across America likely can boast a better appointed room for the meetings of their government... but then given that many of the actual leaders of Hamas live in luxury in Doha, Qatar they may have just felt it wasn't worth the money to make the legislative room back home look nice.

This might send the wrong message, but you can see where peoples heads are at. Hamas has wrought untold death and destruction on both the State of Israel and the people who are supposed to be their own wards in government so many would like to see everything to do with the terrorist organization razed and the ground where it stood salted Carthage style.


Those numbers will likely be coming out of the Hamas run Health Ministry any minute.

It's good to be king... errr... 'Senior Political Leader'.

However you slice it this is good news, and a sign that Israel's ground incursion into Gaza is going well. Hopefully soon this phase will have ended, the last vestiges of Hamas will have been rooted out of their warren of tunnels underneath the feet of the Palestinian people, and the process of rebuilding can begin. 



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