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Sickening! Video Purports to Show Palestinian Children Pretending to Kill Israeli Soldiers in School Play

Are we the baddies meme

Schools plays are a fun tradition for many schools; you dress your little kids up in silly costumes and send them out on stage so they can fumble through their lines to the delight of an assembly of parents and extended families. Good times had by all!


Maybe it's a fun little Thanksgiving show, a show for Christmas with kids dressed as elves, could be a little play about kids at camp or something to celebrate the coming of summer. If you're in Palestinian controlled territory, though, your children's play may be of an entirely more terrifying and propagandistic nature.

The video has all the tropes we expect from these sorts of things: cute kids in their formal best awkwardly fidgeting, people in giant stuffed animal costumes there to entertain the crowds... and a terrifying stage production of children learning the importance of killing members of the Israeli military, apparently. Isn't that charming?

This is an excellent time to remember that in many ways a lot of these Islamic cultures are still stuck in a very medieval mindset. It wasn't so very long ago in the grand scheme of things that parents would happily lead their kids to the town square to watch whatever execution was going to be taking place there that day, or bring them to see and participate in large productions commemorating the Passion of Jesus in every gory detail. The only difference is that we in the west have largely moved on from getting our entertainment from these (actually) bloody displays, instead often substituting simulations in movies and television. But in large swaths of the Muslim world these sorts of things are very much in vogue, and used as direct indoctrination of their children towards hatred for Israel and the West in general.


How do you hope to win over a people who have been filled with such hate from their infancy? It's a terrifying prospect and another reminder of just how different many of these countries and peoples are from us. Peaceful coexistence is possible only when both sides want it, and who can believe that adults raised from childhood on a diet of this sort of stuff can ever happily agree to peaceful coexistence? 

Let's hope we can find a way because otherwise things will only get worse, though.



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