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New Conspiracy Just Dropped! Mean Girl Stephanie Winston Wolkoff Accuses CNN of Sabotaging Biden


Things are getting a bit crazy in Democrat land. Poor things are just flailing around in little circles ranting about absolutely anything that can soothe their cognitive dissonance over Biden being an obviously unwell, elderly man.


Remember Stephanie Winston Wolkoff? She's famous exclusively for being besties with then First Lady Melania Trump, secretly recording their conversations and releasing them to the public. She got a book deal and became instant leftwing royalty for her devious scheme.

Apparently, the book sales have dried up ...


CNN’s carefully considered FRAMING & LIGHTING design effectively conveyed the intended perceptions of fragility vs. dominance in visual composition.  

Biden was filmed in profile, looking pale as a ghost. 

Trump was filmed straight on, not looking his usual shade of tangerine, but more like marmalade. 

Biden is a man of honor, integrity, resilience, and resolve.  

A Trump is a Trump is a Trump.



The whole, 'he has a cold,' thing didn't work. They tried proving he was just fine the next day with another speech. Let's see, he has a stutter, it was a one-off night, everyone has a bad debate, also did you hear, Trump said 'black jobs!'

Nothing seems to be working.

Maybe trying the good ol' Nixon live debate strategy will work?

As most know, the first live TV presidential debate was between Nixon and Kennedy and Nixon wasn't feeling well, looked pale and sweaty and Kennedy looked like a young, handsome rock star by comparison. It was believed this helped lead Kennedy to victory.

CNN is diabolical, what with how they managed to get a guy who's been in politics and on camera for 50 years to completely forget how cameras work and where to look on a stage Biden's team not only helped design and picked their side, but one they had a complete mock-up of at Camp David for a week of rehearsals.  


Steffy has been broken; brain damaged, really, like so many of her fellow travelers. It'd be sad, if anyone gave a shit.

No, no, NO. It HAD to be a conspiracy, it was the lighting and, and, and, he had a cold and ... 


Have you honestly ever seen this much desperate spinning for the sake of a candidate? We thought Bowman's last-ditch effort to salvage his primary was embarrassing, but this is just getting sad.

It's ok to admit Biden is 81 and just not up for the most important, stressful and public job in the country. Politics is just a way of life for these people.

What do the young people say? Touch grass?

Go touch grass.

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