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You Are Not Our Supervisor. Trans Activist Tries Shaming Women and Women Have Opinions

AP Photo/Armando Franca

Another day, another trans activist trying to bully women into being quiet. Sorry, but that just isn't going to work here.


So brave.

So courageous.

Always the victim and always the bully.

But that doesn't work anymore.

Men are tired of this game too. Bully, intimidate, shame, attack, accuse, on and on. The trans hate movement is relentless.


Yeah, you notice transmen aren't constantly barking at men about this stuff. Men aren't being shamed for not accepting women as men. Transmen don't seem to feel the same need to bully and intimidate men the way transwomen activists attack women.



Funny how that works. Trans activists demand absolute conformity to their preferred titles, but aggressively mock people who don't like the term 'cis.'

Over and over these bullies show up making demands and trying to silence critics with accusations of bigotry and hate, mostly women. Unfortunately, in much of the West, they've got legal protection to do so. At least in America women don't have to take this nonsense.

Keep fighting back ladies, this hate movement will lose eventually. But you don't have to give up your safety or your rights to appease them in the meantime.

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