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Extreme Hakeem Jeffries Figures Out the REAL Money Problem Americans Face, Price Gouging

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

Just when you think Democrats can't possibly be more ignorant of basic economics, they boldly charge in with yet another terrible policy to make things worse.

Enter our favorite useless, but somehow destructive, Democratic house leader, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries.


Ok, wait a minute.

Don't you see, if we just force companies to increase the number of cookies per bag, everything will be fine!

The left perpetually believes the reason things cost too much is greedy corporations unfairly raising prices rather than recognizing companies are forced to do so just to keep up with oppressive Democratic policies.


All we have to do is raise taxes to give the American people affordable lives! Oh no, why does everything cost more now!?


The Left is up to its old tricks. It cannot understand basic economics or it refuses to do so, so that it can demagogue. 

Prices will equilibrate supply and demand and produce a market price. 

If the government sets a price that is too low, then shortages will result. This is an iron law. Hakeem Jeffries is ignorant of it. Or by calling for price caps, he’s trying to exploit  

the ignorance of low-information, poorly educated voters.

Don't worry everyone, Extreme Hakeem is here to fix everything! We are confident THIS new economic plan won't blow up like the last one did and the one before that and the one before that. This time, they'll get it right!

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