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He's Got to Be Joking! Extreme Hakeem Jeffries Accuses REPUBLICANS of Being Weak on Antisemitism

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

Democratic leader of the House Democrats, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, known around here as Extreme Hakeem, has a reputation for using the most, well, extreme political rhetoric on his social media. But even for him this is just too much.


It's time for Congress to 'confront' the cancer of antisemitism. This Congress. This Democratic Congress represented by Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush, Rashida Tlaib, Jamaal Bowman, AOC, Pramila Jayapal ... wants to confront antisemitism and the GOP is blocking it.


Ironically, while calling out Republicans, the only people calling Jeffries out in his comments are leftwing pro-Palestinian activists.


Of course there is a lot of talk about free speech too.

There seems to be some confusion as well.

Jeffries is referencing the Countering Antisemitism Act and many people are thinking of the Antisemitism Awareness Act. The Awareness act focuses on colleges and defined antisemitic speech and the Countering act focuses on investigating antisemitism across the board and providing reporting mechanisms, through creating a new national coordinator within the White House.


However, both are unpopular.

More attention has been focused on the Awareness act because Republicans introduced it, but the Countering act covers the same things, including speech on college campuses.

Pretending Republicans are somehow uniquely malicious for voting against it is just more political games. The only thing Extreme Hakeem seems to be interested in.

Considering the loudest supporters of anti-Israel protests on college campuses have been within his own party, the exact behavior both laws seek to regulate, his accusation is all the more ridiculous.

Sorry, Rep. Jeffries, no one is buying this one.

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