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Rep. Ilhan Omar Finds It Hard to Have an Intellectual Debate Because Americans Are So Dumb

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Mehdi Hasan's new media company scored a big win by getting Rep. Ilhan Omar on his program. Omar is tired of dealing with idiots and complains about the dumbing down of America — how else do you explain Donald Trump being reelected?


To be fair and not be Aaron Rupar, we'll give some context here that's given in a proposed Community Note, which reads, "Misleading. The clip was clipped out of context to remove the prompt, which was specifically about comments by members of Congress to deport an American citizen." We don't know which citizen Congress is trying to deport, but we do know that regardless of the context, Omar is appalled by the dumbing down of the United States. Not just members of Congress, but citizens who voted for Trump.

Did you catch that? The fact that these people are allowed to say the most ridiculous things. Does she propose shutting them down if they're not up to her intellectual level?


That seems to be the general consensus. 

Yes, and here she's complaining about someone saying something.

We keep an ever-changing list of the dumbest members of Congress, but this editor doesn't consider Omar dumb — she's smart but duplicitous.

When Omar needs an intellectual of her level to talk to, she turns to Mehdi Hasan. To his credit, Hasan has built a nice-looking studio in his basement.


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