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CNN Clips Conversation Where Musk and Trump 'Blow Off' the Bombing of Hiroshima

Townhall Media

It used to be where you had to follow accounts like Aaron Rupar and Acyn to get statements from conservatives tightly edited out of context. The stakes are higher now with the most important election ever, and CNN is getting in on the game. Donald Trump and Elon Musk held a conversation on X Spaces Monday night that had a reach of nearly a billion people. It was a couple of hours long and unscripted. Topics ranged from the assassination attempt to climate change.


Regarding the latter, Musk and Trump agreed that nuclear energy has to be considered in any serious discussion of "clean energy." Still, there's a great fear of nuclear energy, from Chornobyl to Fukushima to Three Mile Island all the way back to World War II.

Dana Bash, whom I will always remember for claiming she'd never spoken to a Democrat who supports abortion up until birth (has she met Kamala Harris and Tim Walz?), wanted to play an exchange that was "kind of classic" — Trump and Musk reminiscing over the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

"Kind of trying to blow off the impact of that."

What they were saying is even those cities that were bombed have been rebuilt and are now thriving. People would know that if they'd played the entire exchange.



And Joe Biden is still running with the neo-Nazi and white nationalists being "very fine people" hoax.

Here's the full context, which didn't stick out to Bash and CNN:

Fukushima and Nuclear Safety

DONALD TRUMP: You know, you realize it’s pretty bad,

ELON MUSK: But it’s actually not that bad. So like after Fukushima happened in Japan, like people were asking me in California, you know, are we worried about like a nucleic cloud coming from Japan? I’m like, no, that’s crazy. It’s actually it’s not even dangerous in Fukushima. I actually flew there and ate locally grown vegetables on TV to prove it. And I donated a solar water treatment, solar powered system for a water treatment plant.

DONALD TRUMP: And yeah, but you haven’t been feeling so well lately, and I’m worried about it.

ELON MUSK: No, no, but —

DONALD TRUMP: I’m only kidding, you know, —

ELON MUSK: It’s like, you know, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed, but now they’re like full cities again. So it’s really not something that, you know, it’s not as scary as people think, basically. But let’s see.


Nuclear energy is not scary and no one who is truly serious about green energy and climate change opposes it.

But no, actually, Trump and Musk were blowing off the effects of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Thanks, CNN, for clearing that up.


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