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NO WAY! Never Trumpers Found Supporting Kamala Harris ‘Remarkably Easy’


Here's a crazy piece by Never Trumper and MSNBC contributor Charlie Sykes in The Atlantic about how for many Never Trumpers, the formerly "unthinkable" act of voting for Kamala Harris for president has become "remarkably easy."

All of the Never Trumpers are far beyond that now. They all voted for Joe Biden and encouraged their followers on X to vote Democrat all the way down the ballot. I swear some of them only remain registered Republicans so they can get gigs as the "Republican" voice on cable news panels. What kind of Republican Party do they want? The one that just rolls over and does whatever the Democrats tell it to do in the name of bipartisanship?

Anyway, check this out:

Of course, they'll vote for Harris, no matter how liberal her policies. She's not Trump, and that's all that matters.

Sykes writes:

We’ll find out soon whether Never Trumpers can truly align around Harris, or if policy-related infighting will get in the way. Some Republicans may sit out the race in a cloud of above-it-all righteous irrelevance. But at least the staunchest members of the movement seem to be cohering around support for Harris. For Never Trumpers who have been in the political wilderness for nearly a decade now, this is not the time to quibble over tax rates, the Green New Deal, fracking, or pronouns.

Harris is far from their first choice, but when your kitchen is in flames, you reach for whatever extinguisher is at hand. You can worry later about washing the dishes or whether you need a new garbage disposal. Put the fire out now.

"Now is not the time to quibble" over inflation, open borders, defunding the police, or any other policy issues.

I watched the Republican National Convention and it was exhilarating. The crowd was fired up. They're Republicans and they support a Republican platform. No, it's not Trump's Project 2025. It's an agenda any conservative should be able to get behind — if anything, Trump has moved too far left on issues like abortion for some conservatives.

President Joe Biden has had three-and-a-half years to destroy the country, and if re-elected, we would have had however many years he managed to hang on of the exact same thing. Another 10 million illegal immigrants. And Harris, or whoever is acting president right now, would continue all of those policies and even more them further left. 

A second Trump term is so scary that you'd vote for Harris to run the country. It's nothing more than TDS.



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