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Those Drag Queens at the Opening Ceremonies Weren’t Disciples but Olympic Gods


The 2024 Olympic Games are underway in Paris, and do you know who thought the opening ceremony was "imaginative, inventive and memorable"? Sen. Mitt Romney:


The opening ceremonies in Paris were such a hit, that the International Olympic Committee is hitting excerpts from it with DMCA takedown notices.

It turns out a lot of Christians were offended by what they saw as drag queens re-creating Leondardo DaVinci's "The Last Supper." Even Reuters reported on it. Michel Rose writes:

 A parody of Leonardo Da Vinci's famous fresco 'The Last Supper' featuring drag queens in the Olympic opening ceremony in Paris has sparked fury among the Catholic church and far-right politicians, while supporters praised its message of tolerance.

The unprecedented ceremony on the Seine River, which drew millions of viewers around the world, included a tableau celebrating the French capital's vibrant nightlife and reputation as a place of tolerance, pleasure and subversiveness.


Not so fast, there, Reuters. Even though the majority of the planet seems to have taken it for a parody of "The Last Supper," Community Notes suggest that it was a live version of "The Feast of the Gods" by Jan Harmensz Biljert. That would explain the guy in blue body paint with fruit covering up his junk — he was portraying Dionysus, the god of wine and theater. The Olympics left us with that image, at least:

It's nearly impossible to find a video of the opening ceremony now, even on the official Olympics YouTube channel. Still shots survive, though:


It was so artistic and beautiful that the IOC is demanding that all video of the ceremony be deleted from the internet. At least Romney was lucky enough to experience it in person.

So don't take offense, Christians. It might have looked a lot like "The Last Supper," but it was supposed to look like this:

And there's some controversy over whether the drag queen in black had his junk out.


We wouldn't be surprised.


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