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Kamala HQ Releases Statement on Trump Promising to End Democracy

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

As Twitchy reported earlier Saturday, MeidasTouch's senior video Acyn posted an out-of-context clip of Donald Trump speaking Friday night at Turning Point Action declaring the end of elections, and of course, CBS News picked up on it:


CBS News reported:

Former President Donald Trump told attendees at a conservative Christian event on Friday night that they "won't have to vote anymore" if he is elected into office in November. He implored Christians to save America by voting "just this time," so that he can win the presidential election in a landslide "that's too big to rig."

Trump implored evangelical Christians to turn out for the 2024 election so that he could put in reforms like voter ID and proof of citizenship. In other words, elect me in 2024 and I'll make it so the Democrats can't cheat anymore.

Kamala HQ also jumped on Acyn's edited video and put out a statement on Trump's "promise to end democracy."

"This campaign, which has promised violence if he loses" [yeah, the "bloodbath" hoax that the media fell for] the end of our elections if he wins, and the termination of the Constitution to empower him to be a dictator to enact his dangerous Project 2025 agenda [which is not his agenda] on America"


So Harris is just going to keep running with Biden's "bloodbath" hoax and all of the rest of them. We're surprised they didn't work "injecting bleach" in here somewhere.

Which they'd know if 1) they'd seen the clip in context and 2) weren't pathological liars.

Before he went into isolation with "COVID" and disappeared, Biden said that only Almighty God could get him to drop out of the race. He said he'd be on the ballot in November unless he were hit by a train.

He was hit by a train: Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, George Clooney, Barack Obama, Extreme Hakeem Jeffries, donors who threatened to stop donating, and anyone else who knew he was going to lose to Trump.


That was our question after reading the statement. Trump has promised "the termination of the Constitution to empower him to be a dictator." How exactly does the president terminate the Constitution? Explain.

The party of democracy didn't allow anyone to primary Biden. There were no debates.


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