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Biden Campaign’s Internal Polling Shows No Effect From the Debate


Even President Joe Biden admitted at a North Carolina rally the day following the presidential debate that he had a bad day. But channeling one-hit wonder Chumbawumba, he said that he gets knocked down, but he gets up again. (The cringeworthy Jennifer Rubin even put that in her X handle for the day.) His performance was so bad the New York Times editorial board wrote that he should step aside.


But here's some good news for those who were depressed after watching the debate: according to internal polling, the debate didn't change Biden's poll numbers at all, though he still trails Donald Trump by a point.

That seems to be the consensus. According to CNN's post-debate poll, Trump now leads by six points:


CNN's story accompanying its poll results is headlined: "Most voters think Democrats have a better chance of keeping White House if Biden isn’t the nominee."

Three-quarters of US voters say the Democratic Party would have a better shot at holding the presidency in 2024 with someone other than President Joe Biden at the top of the ticket, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS. His approval rating also has hit a new low following a shaky performance in the first debate of this year’s presidential campaign.

In a matchup between the presumptive major-party nominees, voters nationwide favor former President Donald Trump over Biden by 6 points, 49% to 43%, identical to the results of CNN’s national poll on the presidential race in April, and consistent with the lead Trump has held in CNN polling back to last fall.

We think the Biden campaign should trust the internal polling and ignore all of the calls for Biden to step aside. They've already gone ahead and printed all the Biden-Harris lawn signs already — there's no turning back now.


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