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WaPo Reporter Upset That 'Now We Have Four White Men Running the Newsroom'

Sarah D.

Our own Sam Janney did a VIP post earlier this week on the shakeup at the Washington Post. "People are not reading your stuff," CEO and publisher William Lewis told reporters.


Guardian columnist Margaret Sullivan had some advice for the paper:

Sullivan writes:

Lewis made several heavy-handed moves that have alienated and angered an extraordinarily talented journalistic staff. He abruptly forced out Sally Buzbee, who had succeeded Baron to become the paper’s first female editor, and immediately replaced her with two of his former colleagues, even as he revealed his plans for a radically restructured newsroom. (The former Wall Street Journal editor-in-chief Matt Murray and former Telegraph deputy editor Rob Winnett will lead two adjacent Post newsrooms, including a new one dedicated to “service and social media journalism”; and then they’ll switch roles after November’s election. Yes, it’s all very weird.)

Taken by surprise and baffled, the staff reacted angrily and with skepticism. At a “town hall” meeting on Monday, the prominent politics reporter Ashley Parker challenged Lewis’s decision-making, earning applause from her colleagues. “Now we have four white men running the newsroom,” she said, according to the news non-profit Notus. (She was referring to Lewis himself, Murray, Winnett and David Shipley, the opinion section editor; it’s worth noting that, although the Post considers itself a global, not local, newsroom, more than 40% of Washington DC residents are Black.)


Sullivan continues:

I worked at the Post as media columnist from 2016 to 2022. I know my former colleagues to be top-flight and much of their journalism to be essential. They are also nimble and, in general, not resistant to change. They fully understand that we’re in a challenging new era. But they also are tough-minded journalists who demand to be treated with transparency and honesty and respect.

Journalists demand way more respect than they've earned.


Christopher Rufo notes when you can tell the Washington Post is serious about turning things around:

We will see if losing half your audience and $77 million a year gives executives enough incentive to finally say "no" to Longhouse-style hysteria, hypochondria, and manipulation.


And they refuse to see that they've done it to themselves. 


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