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CBS News: Secret Service Meeting With New York Jail Officials on What to Do About Trump

AP Photo/Chris Seward

We've seen a thousand Photoshops of Donald Trump in an orange jumpsuit and it's Rob Reiner's singular dream to see Trump behind bars. This editor predicts that Trump will spend zero days behind bars no matter the outcome of the highly rigged "hush money" case that heard closing arguments Tuesday.


And what do you do with Trump's Secret Service protection? Do they share the jail cell with him? How does that work?

Colin Rugg and others are reporting that CBS News says the Secret Service has had meetings with local jail officials about how to handle just such a situation if Trump ends up in Rikers.

As a former president, Donald Trump is entitled to Secret Service protection for his entire life even if he is sentenced to jail.

"Behind bars, corrections officers would in turn be responsible for protecting those agents assigned to Trump," CBS reported.

CBS predicts that Trump could serve time at Rikers Island Jail Complex.


It's not happening, but CBS News does report that the Secret Service has been talking with local jail officials about any possible outcome. If Trump were sent to Rikers Island, he'd be elected president and pardon himself.


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