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Sen. Rand Paul Wants to Prosecute Anthony Fauci's 'Fixer'

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

The House Oversight Committee recently held a hearing with NIH Deputy Director Lawrence Tabak and grilled him on the NIH's document retention policies. It seems that In an email to EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak, the NIH's David Morens said he'd learned how to make emails that had been FOIA'd "disappear."

Sen. Rand Paul has been after Anthony Fauci like a dog with a bone, and I respect him for it … I just wish he weren't alone.

Check out this email from Morens to Daszak:

In case that's too small to read:

PS, i forgot to say there is no worry about FOIAs. I can either send stuff to Tony on his private gmail, or hand it to him at work or at his house. He is too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that would cause trouble. D

They used to matter when Trump was president.

But wait, there's more:

I just spent some time on the phone with David. He is concerned about the privacy of text and other messages from his cell phone to you and me because he has been using a government phone which permits personal conversations as well. So even things via gmail sent and received on his cell phone could be FOIA'able. This came from Tony in their conversation this morning.

"Tony" seems to be awfully concerned about FOIA requests. After all, that's why Hillary Clinton set up her own homebrew email server and never used her official government email address … to avoid FOIA. She really ought to be in jail. We meant it when we chanted, "Lock her up."

I was happy to see that at least Fox News picked up on the story and talked to Paul about Fauci's "fixer":

It doesn't sounds like high ranking scientist, he is taking information that can be shred and then destroyed to Anthony Fauci outside the system through email or private delivery to his house. But it is a crime to destroy records , it is a crime to destroy evidence and I feel very certain that he should be prosecuted. I'm sending a letter to DOJ but the question is will the DOJ act?"

No, the DOJ will not act.

Oh, "out of context." What exactly is the context, then?

So it was all a conspiracy that Fauci funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the virus escaped the lab.

Meanwhile, Fauci is still a "national treasure," attending the "Garden Brunch" at the White House last month.

So many people should be in prison, but Trump is the only one on trial. Nothing will happen to any of these clowns.



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