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NIH Official Says He Knows 'How to Make Emails Disappear' After a FOIA Request

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

On Thursday, the House Oversight Committee held a hearing with NIH Deputy Director Lawrence Tabak. Chairman James Comer had some questions for Tabak about the NIH's document retention policy. For example, is deleting emails part of the policy?


Every one of the three-letter agencies is corrupt and needs to be shut down.

In an email to EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak, the NIH's David Morens said he'd learned how to make emails that had been FOIA's "disappear."


So instead all stayed silent and allowed Dr. Fauci to carry on, hence Covid. Many Democrats, RINOs too, all close friends of RFK Jr., in fact he campaigned for them, like Hillary and Obama-Biden who then had Dr. Fauci fund the Wuhan Lab. Any of the above who praise DeSantis, Biden or others Covid records after they mishandled the vaccines, are complicit.


As recently as last March, the media had picked up on a study claiming the coronavirus spread to humans from "raccoon dogs."

Exactly. Hillary Clinton set the standard by deleting tens of thousands of emails and avoiding FOIA by never using her official government email address, and she's not in prison.


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