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Ohio Secretary of State Says Joe Biden Won't Be on the November Ballot

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

We've covered this before, but it's come up again. Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose wrote a letter to the Democratic Party in April warning them that by nominating Joe Biden at their late-August convention in Chicago, they'd be missing the state's August 7 ballot deadline. Biden faces a similar dilemma in Alabama. You'd think the DNC could move up its convention by a couple of weeks, but Las Rose warned that as it stands today, Biden will not appear on the November ballot.


As it stands today, the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee will not be on the Ohio ballot. That is not my choice. It’s due to a conflict in the law created by the party, and the party has so far offered no legally acceptable remedy.

The Ohio House speaker said today there won’t be a legislative solution, so I’ve sent a letter to @OHDems chair seeking (again) a solution that upholds the law and respects the voters. I trust they’ll act quickly.

We don't trust them to do anything.

The Democratic Party has refused to follow state law requiring both parties to officially nominate their presidents 90 days before an election. Democrats aren’t doing that until 75 days prior.

And now, since the legislature has adjourned, the law cannot be changed, and Secretary of State Frank LaRose cannot make an exception.

This oughta be interesting!


We're pretty sure that Biden's name will end up on the Ohio ballot. We don't know how, but the Democrats will make it happen.


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