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'Pro-Palestine' Encampments Won't Allow Journalists to Enter or Ask Questions

AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah

Remember when President Donald Trump called CNN "fake news" and Jim Acosta wrote a book about how it was a dangerous time to be a journalist in America? The mainstream media united in solidarity with each other, collectively registering their outrage at their mistreatment by the Trump administration.


We don't see anybody in the media rushing to the defense of journalists who try to interview the members of these "Gaza Liberation Zone" encampments. Here's Logan Schiciano, who's followed on X by CNN's Jake Tapper, trying to get an interview with some of the pro-Hamas protesters at Northwestern:

Isn't that the whole point of these encampments? To amplify their message? But they don't allow "agitators."

At Yale, a "demonstration marshal" requested that all reporters for the Yale Daily News leave the "liberated zone."


This is like CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle where the mayor let Black Lives Matter protesters take over city blocks and label them police-free zones. The idiots let that stand until three people were shot and killed.

Montana Tucker says she tried for two hours to get a protester at UCLA to talk to her about why they were there, but the mob had been well-directed not to speak to anyone outside the liberated zone.

After seeing everything on the news, I decided to go and see for myself what is happening at UCLA. I went in with the intention of having honest conversations to try and truly understand each others pain and suffering . However, no one would speak to me . The only thing they would say to me is “You can speak with our media liaison” or “We don’t speak to agitators” . When I tried to speak with their “media liaison” they again refused to talk to me. 

Then, when I tried to peacefully enter their “encampment”, which is on public property that anyone has the right to walk through, they set up a human barricade to physically prevent me from going in. 

I can’t believe this is what our world has come to. Where are their parents? How are the school systems allowing this? We have to do better as a society. 

My hope and dream is still the same: that one day we can all have love, peace, and understand each other. 

One day…


She had way too high expectations for this crowd. 

"You can speak to our media liaison."

The mob mentality is truly frightening, as is the social contagion. It doesn't take much to set up an organized mob that insists on groupthink.


Where are all of these newly liberated journalists, like Don Lemon and Mehdi Hasan? Certainly, they'd let Hasan into their liberated zone.


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