We had to check the date on this tweet to make sure it was current, a sure enough, it was posted Friday. Rolling Stone says we should be wearing masks again, but which ones? N95 or KN95? It has to be an N95, because those cloth masks we were all wearing were "nothing more than facial decoration. You shouldn't need one if you and everyone else have had the vaccine.
N95 Masks vs. KN95 Masks: Which Face Coverings Should We Be Wearing Right Now? #RSRecommends
— Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) February 23, 2024
More: https://t.co/xp6fQYb689
Rolling Stone reports in February 2024:
THOUGH MASK RESTRICTIONS have eased across the country (and around the world), officials say you shouldn’t be taking off your masks just yet, especially if you’re in crowded places or traveling. Even if you have received your vaccine and booster, medical experts continue to promote the wearing of face coverings as an effective way to prevent the spread of Covid-19, the new JN.1 variant, measles, and other potentially harmful viruses in the air.
And while airlines and the FAA have removed guidelines mandating the wearing of face masks in-flight, many travelers are still keeping their masks on when sharing air with hundreds of passengers for hours at a time. With Covid infections rising again, some states have also started debating recommending masks again, especially for indoor dining and entertainment.
"Officials say." The officials have said lots of things, and most of them were wrong. Rolling Stone bucking the system once again.
Are you recycling your articles from 2020 now or what?
— Five Times August (@FiveTimesAugust) February 23, 2024
Rolling Stone: Not going out with a bang, but a whimper.
— Eddie Gallagher (@ejgallagher1) February 24, 2024
Read the room
— themiddlerage (@themiddlerage42) February 24, 2024
— sarainitaly 🐰🌷🐥🌷 (@sarainitaly) February 24, 2024
Stop it.
— Not that Kate (@kate_freedomer) February 24, 2024
None, unless you are sanding, even then you need to observe proper health and safety regulations, as these are classed as PPE and are regulated.
— DJSharpieD (@SharpieDj) February 24, 2024
If you want to stop an aerosolised respiratory pathogen spreading, I suggest you wear one of these (like they do in the WIV) pic.twitter.com/6O0Pmm982r
Rolling Stone: 20th century relic, or 21st century establishment mouthpiece?
— Peter Laffin 🙏 (@petermlaffin) February 23, 2024
Remember when they suggested you wear two masks, and Biden was running around with two masks on his face? Those weren't N95 masks, so it was a waste of effort.
Literally a pathetic native advertising campaign.
— Champagne Joshi (@JoshWalkos) February 24, 2024
They're posting links to where you can buy these masks; they probably get paid every time someone buys one.
Save this article, @RollingStone
— Populo Iratus (@astronomy89) February 24, 2024
You can run it again in 2028, 2032, 2036, and 2040.
Gee, what do all those years have in common?
I guess you guys havin to pick up the slack for Vox these days?
— Lisa Alexander (@LisaLAlexander_) February 24, 2024
It depends. Are you symptomatic or neurotic?
— Lawrence Kiedrowski 🇺🇸✝️ (@LKiedrowski) February 24, 2024
I can’t imagine there are more than a handful of fringe doctors recommending healthy people wear K95/KN95 masks. Also can’t imagine why Rolling Stone thinks anyone should take medical advice from them.
— Bruce Hermann, MD (@bfhermann) February 24, 2024
Are subscriptions down? Are you out here just trying to get some engagement money?
— Reno McDallas (@RenoMcDallas) February 24, 2024
Is there some big election-year COVID strain on the loose? No, we're not going back to masks and lockdowns.
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