We see the same story every Thanksgiving; the only thing that changes is who publishes it. There are those who want to eliminate Thanksgiving altogether, the same way many liberal municipalities have changed Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day. This time around it's The Nation wishing to do away with the lie that is Thanksgiving and replace it with "Truthsgiving."
Let’s drop the lie of Thanksgiving and begin a Truthsgiving:https://t.co/j44kxDVn4v
— The Nation (@thenation) November 20, 2023
Sean Sherman argues that we need to "decolonize" Thanksgiving:
For many Americans, the image of Thanksgiving is one of supposed unity: the gathering of “Pilgrims and Indians” in a harmonious feast. But this version obscures the harsh truth, one steeped in colonialism, violence, and misrepresentation. By exploring the Indigenous perspective on Thanksgiving, we can not only discern some of the nuances of decolonization but gain a deeper understanding of American history.
The sanitized version of Thanksgiving neglects to mention the violence, land theft, and subsequent decimation of Indigenous populations. Needless to say, this causes tremendous distress to those of us who are still reeling from the trauma of these events to our communities.
I do not think we need to end Thanksgiving. But we do need to decolonize it. That means centering the Indigenous perspective and challenging the colonial narratives around the holiday (and every other day on the calendar).
Forgive us if we don't get on board with the idea of "decolonizing" anything, seeing as celebrants of the October 7 slaughter of 1,400 innocent Israeli citizens by Hamas terrorists adopted the cry, "This is what decolonization looks like."
A decolonized Thanksgiving could transform a holiday marred by historical amnesia into a celebration of genuine gratitude, unity, and recognition of our rich Indigenous heritage. It would offer a clearer lens through which to see the entire world.
Let us drop food and knowledge, not bombs.
Who's dropping bombs on whom and what does it have to do with the Pilgrims?
but i was told this was never gonna happen 🤔 pic.twitter.com/zBbsQH0C1q
— 🔼🔼🍌🍌 (@ameriikanerr) November 21, 2023
This is the best time to shut down your operation, sell your office space to Chipotle, let them redevelop it into something productive, and finally delete your account.
— Han Brolo (@bxlewi1) November 21, 2023
Decolonize your mom.
— 🫃🏼💉🇺🇦Hollaria Briden, Esq. (@HollyBriden) November 21, 2023
Here's a great thread by Twitchy favorite Dr. Strangetweet:
Okay, let's have a little Truthsgiving.
— Dr Strangetweet Or How I Learned To Love The RT (@lone_rides) November 21, 2023
You're a bunch of ungrateful, entitled, self righteous pricks who do nothing but tear at the foundation of a nation that allows people like you to bitch and complain while offering no workable solutions or add anything of value. https://t.co/QtMZBmx1Oo
You hate the United States, not because of racism or "white washed history."
— Dr Strangetweet Or How I Learned To Love The RT (@lone_rides) November 21, 2023
You hate the US because it's not a socialist/communistic hellhole (yet).
You claim to be founded by abolitionists but you preach slavery at every turn.
You've lost the abolitionist plot.
You want people enslaved to the state and, so far, there is still a remnant of freedom, though you bastards are doing your best to totally eliminate that last spot of sunshine.
— Dr Strangetweet Or How I Learned To Love The RT (@lone_rides) November 21, 2023
You undercut history with "new" history that is just as biased and washed out as the history you're claiming to correct.
— Dr Strangetweet Or How I Learned To Love The RT (@lone_rides) November 21, 2023
You're atheists that kneel at the altar of state and want to burn the witches that still stand for liberty and individualism.
You ignore context of history, pitting historical times against today's moral thoughts.
— Dr Strangetweet Or How I Learned To Love The RT (@lone_rides) November 21, 2023
Yes, the US did bad things. Your point?
We are no more special in our horror than any other country.
Times and methods may have changed, but we are not a specific brand of bad.
Name a country with a perfect history.
— Dr Strangetweet Or How I Learned To Love The RT (@lone_rides) November 21, 2023
You can't. Why?
Because governments are, by and large, only interested in power. And they will do bad things to expand power.
And here you are being big government simps while being mad at the horrors government does.
Enough Truthsgiving or you want a second helping?
— Dr Strangetweet Or How I Learned To Love The RT (@lone_rides) November 21, 2023
I know this isn't what you meant, but I don't rightly give a damn about what you anti-capitalist degenerates want.
I want you on a plane to literally anywhere else in the world. But you won't leave.
"This is my home."
— Dr Strangetweet Or How I Learned To Love The RT (@lone_rides) November 21, 2023
Bullshit. You live here but it's there's no attachment to it, except hate. You're here just to watch it burn. Not because you're proud to be an American, but because the hate you hold for a system so oppressive, you can't spout this shit freely.
I wish the US was as oppressive to you as you say it is. I wish you knew what true oppression was. I wish you knew the crushing pain of being in chains for wrong think.
— Dr Strangetweet Or How I Learned To Love The RT (@lone_rides) November 21, 2023
And the only joy I can find in your existence is knowing that, should you finally win, you too will be against the wall.
— Dr Strangetweet Or How I Learned To Love The RT (@lone_rides) November 21, 2023
You're LARPers. You missed out on the injustice fights of the past so you invent new issues to take head on, burning your own strawmen to keep your cold dead souls warm.
— Dr Strangetweet Or How I Learned To Love The RT (@lone_rides) November 21, 2023
Rather than enjoy the bounty of a nation that has righted wrongs and fought injustice, you cry about things long since settled.
— Dr Strangetweet Or How I Learned To Love The RT (@lone_rides) November 21, 2023
You're miserable people with miserable souls and so you make everyone else miserable around you.
You're not fighting injustice. You're trying to fill the empty void you have in your heart because nothing has any real value to you. You're entire existence is pointless.
— Dr Strangetweet Or How I Learned To Love The RT (@lone_rides) November 21, 2023
Enough Truthsgiving or you want one more plate?
— Dr Strangetweet Or How I Learned To Love The RT (@lone_rides) November 21, 2023
The truth is America has been evil, but America has been very good.
We've fed and clothed millions. We've sheltered the orphans, healed the sick, and stood against wrongs.
Perfect? No. But better than most? Yes.
All you have to do is be thankful. And you can't do it.
— Dr Strangetweet Or How I Learned To Love The RT (@lone_rides) November 21, 2023
Being thankful for what you have is anathema to you because you're expectant and entitled.
You don't deserve the freedoms you hate.
— Dr Strangetweet Or How I Learned To Love The RT (@lone_rides) November 21, 2023
You don't deserve the privileges you loathe.
You don't deserve the convenience living in America affords.
You're pampered spoiled brats, throwing the food on the floor because you wanted something else.
You don't like Thanksgiving because it's a reminder of just how shallow, entitled, and empty your life is and so you want to piss in everyone else's stuffing.
— Dr Strangetweet Or How I Learned To Love The RT (@lone_rides) November 21, 2023
Let us enjoy family and friends and being thankful. You go be miserable somewhere else.
I hope your turkey is dry.
Strangetweet notes that the United States isn't perfect, and this editor agrees. He also believes that liberals don't have the internal strength to be associated with anything that isn't perfect. So instead, they become anti-American and yet praise countries they've never been to or will never experience.
That was some knowledge dropped right there like a bomb.
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