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California Assembly announces nation's first Transgender History Month

Dear God … we did Pride Month. The entire MONTH devoted to celebrating the LGBTQ community.

Now the California Assembly is announcing Transgender History Month … an entire month dedicated to the overlooked history of the transgender American.


The California Globe reports:

The California State Assembly voted Wednesday to recognize August as “Transgender History Month,” beginning in 2024. Assemblyman Matt Haney (D-San Francisco) introduced HR 57 on August 29th, and it was passed by the Assembly Rules Committee August 31st. Wednesday the full Assembly passed the Resolution.

Jorge Reyes Salinas of Equality California says the advocacy group supports the bold stance by the state Assembly, CBS News reported. “Especially now, in a time that we are seeing a constant, week-after-week attacks against the LGBTQ+ community, especially the transgender community,” said Salinas. “It’s really a reminder that California stands behind the trans community and now more than ever we are not giving up on reinforcing that value.”

But what about the actual history? Will kids study all of the great trans inventions and speeches?


They've got a whole year to put together a committee to plan just how to commemorate trans history.


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