As Twitchy recently reported, New College of Florida trustee Christopher Rufo was happy to announce that the school's Gender Studies program was no more, rooted out along with the DEI department. New College students will be presented with a classical liberal education.
This New York Times opinion piece by Michelle Goldberg goes back several months, but Rufo thought it was relevant to a tweet he saw Tuesday.
One thing I think the Nietzscheans are 100% right about:
— Coddled affluent professional (@feelsdesperate) August 15, 2023
The left is very hostile towards and suspicious of good health and beauty.
OTOH, libs are fascinated by and valorize mental and physical illness and treat ugliness as authentic and ideologically correct.
First, you'll know about Nietzsche after graduating from New College now, and second, MSNBC published a piece not too long ago blowing the lid off the true white supremacist nature of home fitness.
That's when Rufo pulled out Goldberg's piece on New College being "targeted."
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) August 15, 2023
So student body will be more attractive and more productive? Sounds like a win.
— Daniel F. Monroe (@USArmyOfficer) August 15, 2023
Sounds awesome
— Tony Stromboli (@Tony_Tickets) August 15, 2023
I'm honestly not seeing the problem with that.
— For Freedom and Liberty (@OneMoreBrian) August 15, 2023
— Kirk High-Land (@KirkHighland) August 15, 2023
Really makes you wonder why that is:
— Axial Age Pervert (@hyonschu) August 15, 2023
This is merely a special case of their general hostility and suspicion to almost every kind of excellence.
— Pontus (@Pontus4Pope) August 15, 2023
They abhor anything that requires effort and projects decorum and cleanliness.
— The AppalachiaBilly. (@BillBbriii) August 15, 2023
Whether its health, beauty, moral standards, intellectual standards... the ideals are evil. They consider illness and abnormality and bucking moral order to be a virtuous rebellion to the tyranny of our cultural expectations. Intellectually, bold counterintuitiveness is the aim.
— The Artist Formerly Known (@aresteanu) August 15, 2023
These are the kids who felt like awkward outcasts in high school and instead of getting over it in adulthood they just pathologize their childhood insecurities into a lifelong battle against the 'popular kids'. Disclosure: I was an awkward high school outcast.
— Randall Flagg (@FlaggTheRaven) August 15, 2023
Well its not so much that they're hostile to those things, they are hostile to the standard (and in more extreme cases even rail against the "tyranny" of health/beauty)
— Hitlerjunge Groper (@expertocrat) August 15, 2023
The left is concerned with immanentizing the eschaton, which means somehow finding value in even "broken" ppl
Not only does the Left valorize ugliness and illness, it idealizes violence and dishonesty. #Democrats never saw a scummy criminal they didn't like.
— Auklet (@aukletqd) August 15, 2023
Look at who the Democrats raised statues of after tearing down all of the ones causing generational pain.
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