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Here's how Sesame Street sells Pride Month to kids

A couple of weeks ago, we posted a couple of videos showing elementary schools celebrating Pride Month. Kids lined up behind their teacher, who was dressed as a rainbow unicorn, and paraded down a hallway beneath inflatable rainbows and Pride flags. We wondered what happened next … how do you celebrate Pride Month with children who are too young to even comprehend sexual orientation and gender identity? Obviously, you make it about being proud of being yourself. Everyone is different, and everyone is special, and we should celebrate everybody.


Sesame Street has provided us with the perfect example of what we were talking about. Sesame Street wants kids to celebrate Pride Month, which is all about "freedom of authentic self-expression." So the kindergarten teacher asks her class, "Who can tell me what authentic self-expression means?" And then they'll probably use some dumb example like dressing the way you do, or wearing your favorite baseball team's cap. Kids can celebrate pride just by accepting everything that's "different."

So here's Sesame Street's entry into indoctrinating the kids:

But is that really what Pride Month celebrates? Isn't it intrinsically linked to the LGBTQ community? Gays and lesbians and bisexuals take pride in being "out" with their sexuality, which is perfectly normal but also called "queer" at the same time.

So why go for the kids so young? This editor refers all the time to a post about a teacher suggesting the early grades are the best time to start teaching about the LGBTQ community before "heteronormative" beliefs become set in the kids' minds. Those children with a mom and a dad will grow up thinking that's "normal." And then they'll grow up to be intolerant right-wingers set on gay bashing.


We're not buying the line that Pride Month is all about "inclusion" and "belonging." It's about celebrating the gay lifestyle. How many Pride events were canceled this year because the organizers couldn't manage to guarantee there wouldn't be sexually explicit acts in front of children?

Go ahead and have Elmo and Big Bird play dildo ring toss to celebrate self-expression.


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