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Cambridge dean says student's claim that Jesus could have been transgender is 'legitimate'

This reminds this editor of the old Reese’s cup ads: “You got your chocolate in my peanut butter!” You’ve got the people who call Republicans “Christofascists” and the women who dress as handmaids calling for the government, especially the Supreme Court, to keep their Catholicism out of citizens’ lives. And then you have the people who do everything they can to prove that the Bible is as woke as they are. These are the Matthew Dowd types, arguing that if Jesus Christ were alive today (and to true Christians, He is), he’d be called a “groomer” by the Right.


Over in the U.K., The Telegraph is reporting that a junior research fellow at Cambridge posited the “legitimate” argument that Jesus Christ was transgender.

The Telegraph reports:

Jesus could have been transgender, according to a University of Cambridge dean.

Dr Michael Banner, the dean of Trinity College, said such a view was “legitimate” after a row over a sermon by a Cambridge research student that claimed Christ had a “trans body”, The Telegraph can disclose.

The “truly shocking” address at last Sunday’s evensong at Trinity College chapel, saw Joshua Heath, a junior research fellow, display Renaissance and Medieval paintings of the crucifixion that depicted a side wound that the guest preacher likened to a vagina.

Worshippers told The Telegraph they were left “in tears” and felt excluded from the church, with one shouting “heresy” at the Dean upon leaving.

So images of Jesus’ bleeding wounds look like a vagina to this guy?


This is Jesus Christ reportedly getting his period:

File:Jean Malouel - Large Round Pietà - WGA13901.jpg

It continues:

Heath, whose PhD was supervised by the former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, also told worshippers that in the Prayer Book of Bonne of Luxembourg, from the 14th century, this side wound was isolated and “takes on a decidedly vaginal appearance”.

Heath also drew on non-erotic depictions of Christ’s penis in historical art, which “urge a welcoming rather than hostile response towards the raised voices of trans people”.



Editor’s Note:

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