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White House monkeypox coordinator is actually a pretty hot leather daddy under that suit

As Twitchy reported back in July, chicken little Eric Feigl-Ding was trying to scare everyone about monkeypox, citing a study saying there was an airborne risk of transmitting it. Science writer Benjamin Ryan took Feigl-Ding apart, reporting on a study of 528 global cases that found just 0.6 percent were from household transmission; 95 percent were likely transmitted via sex between men.


We’re guessing the White House didn’t yet have a monkeypox coordinator, because they sent out Covid Response Coordinator Ashish Jha,  who stressed that it’s “really important” not to use this moment “to propagate homophobic or transphobic messaging.” In other words … science.

It looks like the White House has finally finished tip-toeing around the subject and sent out monkeypox coordinator Demetre Daskhalkis to signal to those for whom it’s really important to have an awareness that it’s circulating.

As Twitchy reported earlier, NBC News put out a piece on how monkeypox is ruining men’s plans for hot boy summer. As Oilfield Rando put it, “This is an actual NBC news article MOURNING the loss of gay orgies.”

Daskalakis looks handsome in that suit, but underneath, he walks the walk.


The leather pentagram is cool.

“Face coverings are a sign of respect.”

Hey, the guy’s pretty fit.


Hard to say … not that there’s anything wrong with that.


Editor’s Note:
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