It looks like New York Magazine’s Jonathan Chait is looking forward to a bad 2022 and a bad 2024; he’s recently upgraded the threat level of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis from “deeply authoritarian” to “authoritarian to the bone.” Now he’s writing about how “the Democrats’ failure is complete,” mostly because they started off with the most ambitious agenda ever … bigger than FDR. But then Sen. Joe Manchin threw a wrench into the works. Chait argues that it’s not Manchin alone that’s the problem, but he sure does bring him up a lot.
You love to see it.
— Varad Mehta (@varadmehta) July 16, 2022
Chait writes:
It would be unfair to measure the Democrats against the full-bloom version of their most ambitious measure. They deliberately set out the most ambitious version of their agenda at the beginning in the understanding it would have to shrink — and indeed, not all the components had the administrative capacity to be enacted anyway.
Razor-tight margins of control in both chambers of Congress always meant compromise would be necessary.
At the same time, by realistic or even minimal standards of performance, this two-year term, almost certain to be the last period of Democratic-controlled government for the foreseeable future, has been a failure. The ramifications of this defeat — political, economic, and ecological — will reverberate.
Remember when Democrats pushed for the multi-trillion Green New Deal, and then ended up voting against it?
They decided that the results of 2020 meant they had an FDR-esque mandate. Everything else stems from that first mistake.
— Sam Roberts (@RealSamRoberts) July 16, 2022
People only voted for Joe Biden because he wasn’t Donald Trump, and that’s all they got … not Donald Trump.
This is what happens when you try to govern as if you had a mandate for AOC when really all most people wanted was Not Trump. And they're going to pay for it dearly.
— Social Distance Champion (@realchrishynes) July 16, 2022
We are all paying for it already
— DB (@DBOtherP) July 16, 2022
— Big Mullet Theo (@theodictator) July 16, 2022
That’s exactly the point Axios was trying to make the other day; Republicans are now the party of the “non-white working class.”
"It would be too easy to blame Manchin, but we're gonna blame Manchin anyway"
— Pedo Pete's Teleprompter (@BigDongDeSantis) July 16, 2022
Shorter Chait: It’s all Manchin’s fault because we didn’t get what we want and the world would be a better place if we did get what we want. Oh and Republicans are bad.
— Michael Servetus (@Miguel_Serveto) July 16, 2022
You miss the biggest point of all. The left has a penchant for totalitarianisms. It is on full display with covid and climate change. The American people are blanching at that. Also, can't forget the indifference to crime, and the border.
— Bob Loves Hawaii (@Bobloveshawaii) July 16, 2022
This article is dumb. The author greatly exaggerated the popularity of running on taxing the rich. We all know that increasing taxes hurts us all. Trump’s tax cuts were in fact popular…this guy says they were unpopular and Biden’s desire to raise taxes is popular.
— David (@Wildcatvxa) July 16, 2022
If the GOP could just not suck for once perhaps we could get the country back on a decent path.
— free_to_CRUZ (@Free_to_CRUZ) July 16, 2022
Lifelong Republican here and that's a tall order for the GOP
— Frank M (@bellumjustum) July 16, 2022
If Republicans could just stop themselves from dragging defeat from the jaws of victory. Get used to winning for a change.
Jonathan Chait upgrades DeSantis threat level from ‘deeply authoritarian’ to ‘authoritarian to the bone’
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) July 11, 2022
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