As we’ve said before, the Left seems determined to use public schools to drive a wedge between teachers and administrators and parents. Teachers just don’t trust parents to raise their children with the correct values, so they argue to instruct (indoctrinate) children as much as they can without interference from parents, who are now showing up at school board meetings and acting like domestic terrorists.
As we’ve recently reported, Gov. Ron DeSantis featured at a press conference a mother who learned that the school had drawn up a “transition plan” for her child without her knowledge or input. And we told you about the school with a “transition closet,” so that kids can come to school in the clothes their parents picked out for them and then change clothes at school to fit their gender identity — without having to tell their parents.
Here’s audio from a video conference in which a seventh-grader, who has a younger sibling in school but doesn’t know their pronouns, who says they felt supported by the school guidance counselor, who helped them come out of the closet in fifth grade.
🚨🚨🚨 This school is grooming MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS on the internet, and we have videos of it.
Watch as a 7th grader discusses coming out in 5th grade with the help of her school guidance counselor.
Let's unpack what's going on in the most woke school district in America. 🧵
— Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 (@DrKarlynB) April 4, 2022
On February 8, 2022, teachers in the Burlington Vermont School District hosted a webinar called "Let's Talk About Gender Identity and Expression" in which they discussed using The Gender Unicorn to teach middle school students.
— Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 (@DrKarlynB) April 4, 2022
In the same webinar, the administrators – both teachers in Edmunds Middle School and representatives from their district Equity office have students introduce themselves with their pronouns.
Their goal was to center the voices of the students in their discussion of gender.
— Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 (@DrKarlynB) April 4, 2022
In this clip, a school counselor asks the students how administrators should handle it if someone misgenders the students.
There is a long silence before the students are pressured into answering.
The trans non-binary asstistant principal then guides their answer at the end.
— Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 (@DrKarlynB) April 4, 2022
This is not the only webinar like this the school district has given.
In another webinar on March 8, 2022, middle school students were pressured by their teachers to talk about a time when white silence was violence.
A 12-year-old replies that they have social anxiety.
— Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 (@DrKarlynB) April 4, 2022
The school's equity coordinator points out that one of the reasons a 12-year-old might feel uncomfortable speaking up in the face of racism is that fear of open conflict is an attribute of white supremacy culture.
— Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 (@DrKarlynB) April 4, 2022
“The school’s equity coordinator.”
The school partners with a local social justice organization.
A representative based in the school comments that white people don't practice speaking up because power is important and power and whiteness generally go together.
— Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 (@DrKarlynB) April 4, 2022
Welcome to Burlington Vermont, the most woke school district in America.
They even base their entire school operating budget on equity.
Each school in the district is allocated several hundred dollars PER STUDENT of special funding with the specific purpose of creating equity.
— Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 (@DrKarlynB) April 4, 2022
When the school launched its equity-based budget, one mother commented that she was thrilled and that the RE-SEGREGATION OF SCHOOLS was creating positive benefits.
— Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 (@DrKarlynB) April 4, 2022
The school district integrates equity across its school system, throughout its curriculum. Edmunds Middle School explained in its newsletter on September 18, 2020:
— Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 (@DrKarlynB) April 4, 2022
The middle school also partners with the University of Vermont for children to participate in Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR).
Listen to the Assistant Principal discuss the work the YPAR students are doing to push the district to honor different genders.
— Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 (@DrKarlynB) April 4, 2022
The district also holds a racial justice summer camp where the equity office teaches the students to make demands of their teachers.
A theme we noticed is that the equity office will pit the students against the teachers, for the students to demand change.
— Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 (@DrKarlynB) April 4, 2022
Here are some of the other demands students in this racial justice summer camp made to the administration.
— Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 (@DrKarlynB) April 4, 2022
Watch as this 7th-grader (with they/them pronouns) embodies a full-fledged social justice warrior as they talk about how students who cause harm are not punished.
He's guided by the equity director to say black students are punished more harshly.
— Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 (@DrKarlynB) April 4, 2022
When the equity director – Henri Sparks – asked the student who is punished more often, HE KNEW it was untrue that black students were disproportionately impacted.
His own data from the previous year told him so.
He let the student answer that way without correcting them.
— Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 (@DrKarlynB) April 4, 2022
That same student goes on to say that they learned all this in social justice club and that they only trust their queer teachers to keep them safe.
— Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 (@DrKarlynB) April 4, 2022
This is a future Evergreen State College. See the full article on my substack about what's happening in a school district built entirely on equity.
This will be the first in a series of what's happening in Burlington. We've only scratched the surface.
— Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 (@DrKarlynB) April 4, 2022
This article was completely crowdsourced from my @OnLocals community. Two dozen people worked all weekend to wade through decades of documents and hours of video.
Most of them want to remain anonymous for fear of cancelation. Thank you to everyone.
— Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 (@DrKarlynB) April 4, 2022
I don't know if I would call it grooming. However, it is seriously misguided and frankly twisted to be thinking these conversations are age and school appropriate.
— Jack Cornelius (@JackPCornelius) April 4, 2022
Why would anyone "come out" at 5th grade? Did I miss something and do people now get sexually active years earlier than decades ago?
— Tilman Hausherr (@Passwort12345) April 4, 2022
Ten years old…… this is criminal.
— TheMorningSpew2 (@TheMorningSpew2) April 4, 2022
When I vote for you for governor, do you promise to build a wall on our western border to keep the woke as well as Archie out of NH?
— Landlord (@live_free_603) April 4, 2022
— Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 (@DrKarlynB) April 4, 2022
It’s amazing how much we’ve learned about schools ever since the COVID epidemic pull all of these meetings and seminars online. Imagine how many other school districts follow the exact same protocols and we just haven’t heard about it yet because they’ve kept it well hidden.
Gov. Ron DeSantis features mother whose child was being 'transitioned' by school officials without her knowledge
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) March 28, 2022
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