Spencer Brown, the managing editor of Twitchy sister-site Townhall, made an interesting discovery — it seems some anti-Trump troll on Twitter copied and pasted a tweet about those who refuse to wear masks and don’t take COVID seriously by the assignment editor of San Diego’s NBC affiliate. That, or he forgot to switch from his work account to his personal burner account.
It appears as though @LanceNBCSD, the assignment editor for the San Diego NBC affiliate, forgot to switch to his anti-Trump burner account… pic.twitter.com/XfAAQX31Ex
— Spencer Brown (@itsSpencerBrown) September 16, 2021
A brief highlight reel of the tweets and likes from the burner account of a person responsible for deciding what an NBC affiliate covers. pic.twitter.com/D49Lzo23po
— Spencer Brown (@itsSpencerBrown) September 16, 2021
— License to Will (@wharrison51) September 16, 2021
This rules so hard. https://t.co/OBEqF1lNCD
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) September 16, 2021
If he posted that, he deleted it.
The thing to do for deniability would've been delete the second post. He could then plausibly propose that the troll account copypasted his uncharacteristically salty reply by accident & then deleted.
But then he would have to own his words. pic.twitter.com/O89q3alhHh
— David Marsh (@davidhmarsh) September 16, 2021
The cover-up is always what gets 'em in the end. 🤣Sloppy.
— dandiandi (@kashmir7877) September 16, 2021
So this one was meant to come from the Lost-in-Trumpland account.
— Andrew | DailyGrind1k | Affiliate Marketing (@DailyGrind1k) September 16, 2021
caught in 4K
— Logan Hall (@loganclarkhall) September 16, 2021
It amazes me the “intellectuals” have the self control of 6 year olds. They claim to be so inclusive and understanding yet most anything they deem unacceptable makes them behave like children.
— Lee Douglas (@mldouglas21) September 16, 2021
Crazy that Lance states “Opinions are my own” but needs a burner to truly state his opinions.
— Randy (@Flyers61) September 16, 2021
This is why you shouldn’t have a burner or anonymous Twitter account. You wouldn’t dare tweet what you couldn’t or wouldn’t stand by if you said it publicly. It’s self-moderation.
— Bill Dumais (@BillD202) September 16, 2021
— Tet – 🦑 (@Tet_Kitty) September 16, 2021
Expose all these clowns
— Old Fashioned (@0LD_FASHI0NED) September 16, 2021
Haha how many journalists have secret accounts like this? I'd bet a lot of them do
— Dr. Judgmental Shoelace, PhD. 🇺🇸 🇮🇪 🇭🇰 🇹🇼 (@DocKilmer) September 16, 2021
He'll say he was hacked soon.
— The Last Natural Immunity Mohican (@TheLastMohicans) September 16, 2021
Remember when @andersoncooper did this and there were zero repercussions?
— Frank O'Prussian (@MrBelvederePhan) September 16, 2021
Remember when Mitt Romney did it?
You can learn a lot about a person in the way they respond to those who haven’t received the vaccine.
Think of our worst times in human history and you’ll see the same kind of irrational fear combined with callous, gleeful hate in our supposedly modern, tolerant America.
— Matt (@MattFreethink) September 16, 2021
Hahahahaha this is your “media” folks. Corporate sellouts with burner accounts. Bunch of losers! @LostInTrumpland
— scody smalls (@s_codysmalls) September 16, 2021
and just think the vast majority of them are just like this guy…
— rouser (@AvengeOne) September 16, 2021
Our apologies to Lance if this isn’t a burner account of his … but it sure looks like it is.
SACREBLEU! Mitt Romney’s explanation for ‘Pierre Delecto’ is LESS than convincing and outright embarrassing https://t.co/ovGNzhcgPe
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) October 22, 2019
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