CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, to whom a virus has granted powers outstripping the Constitution, has signed a new 60-day eviction moratorium that many legal scholars told President Biden is unconstitutional. Biden has decided to go ahead with it anyway until the courts slap it down.
In the eyes of a progressive, the landlord is evil because he’s rich and the tenant is good because they’re poor. So they’ll probably be glad to hear that landlords who break the “law” face a potential $100,000 fine and one year in jail, or, if the eviction results in death, a fine of $250,000.
The new 60-day CDC eviction moratorium carries steep criminal penalties for individual landlords who break the law:
– Potential $100k fine and 1 year in jail if eviction doesn't result in death
– Up to $250k fine and 1 year in jail if evicted person dies— Joseph Zeballos-Roig (@josephzeballos) August 3, 2021
What law are they breaking?
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) August 3, 2021
That was our question.
Law? Which law?
— (@jtLOL) August 3, 2021
Not a law. Not constitutional.
— Uncle Ray’s Pinky (@ddenean) August 3, 2021
Lol this is illegal. What law would they be breaking?
— Joey Jo-Jo Jr Shabadoo (@JoShabadoo) August 3, 2021
It’s not a law.
— jordy (@j_spals) August 3, 2021
What law are they breaking? CDC doesn't have the authority to impose this. It's insanity.
— Individual Rights (@Jsta912) August 3, 2021
How the hell does CDC make laws?
— Maximus Decimus (@gregoryggtee) August 3, 2021
"Law". How quaint.
— Jonathan Hewitt (@jonrhewitt) August 3, 2021
"Law" lol.
— Joseph Woodard (@jwoodard87) August 3, 2021
I thought lawmaking was reserved for Congress.
— Ed Sherling (@EdSherlingATL) August 3, 2021
The SCOTUS already told them they don't have the authority to do this… the CDC is in contempt of that ruling. They can't create a law… they aren't a body of Congress.
— Beware of Doug (@dg_phelps) August 3, 2021
It’s not a law. The CDC has never been authorized to do this. The Federal Government has no power to do this under the Constitution. Also, SCOTUS has already ruled this illegal.
— WitCoHE (@E__Strobel) August 3, 2021
I'm guessing you can't name the law they'd be breaking, right?
— Scott Coleman (@bandphan) August 3, 2021
That's not a law.
— Dan Goldwasser (@dgoldwas) August 3, 2021
Let’s discuss how laws are made, interpreted.
— Chris Conlon (@chrisc334) August 3, 2021
It’s. Not. A. Law.
— Steve W (@stevew78750587) August 3, 2021
What law is this you speak of? Did congress pass something?
— SL8 (@OldManBody) August 3, 2021
What law would they be breaking?
— Chad Whitfield (@Carolinakid501) August 3, 2021
No law to break, and every one of those fines will be overturned.
— Samwiswe (@Samwiswe) August 3, 2021
Never heard of the CDC passing laws
— ANJI USA PASSION🇺🇲🙏😘 (@usa_anji) August 3, 2021
Which law exactly
— 1WMCSC (@1WMCSC) August 3, 2021
What law? Who passed it, and when?
— Paul (@pjb438) August 3, 2021
What law??? There was no legislation created to this pause.
— MyRedHeadedRant (@myredheadedrant) August 3, 2021
The unelected clowns at a public health agency are rewriting property law again? On whose authority? Guess they missed the Supreme Court ruling.
— J. A. Kozinski (@j_kozinski) August 3, 2021
Just give the deeds to the renters at this point
— Cg (@Cg61792433) August 3, 2021
Legal scholars have told President Biden extending the eviction moratorium is unconstitutional, so he’ll do a new one until it gets shot down in court
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) August 3, 2021
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