As Twitchy reported earlier, a maskless group of House GOP members crossed over to the Senate side of the Capitol so they could be in the chamber when Sen. Mike Lee gave his speech about the House mask rules.
That wasn’t the end of it, though. Aaron Fritschner, a staffer for Rep. Don Beyer of Virginia, caught a bunch of unmasked Republican staffers playing beer pong in the halls of the Rayburn building. He snapped pictures so he could shame them.
A group of unmasked Republican staffers are playing beer pong (but with cups of water) in the halls of Rayburn House Office Building. Presumably their need to demonstrate the exercise of "freedoms" is stronger than their sense of responsibility to justify taxpayer-funded salaries
— Aaron Fritschner (@Fritschner) July 29, 2021
Hard to show the full scope because it’s a tight space and there are a bunch of people, but it’s about a hundred staff crammed together in a narrow hallway on second floor of Rayburn, almost all unmasked. They’re playing water pong, they have corn hole, I even smelled a cigar.
— Aaron Fritschner (@Fritschner) July 29, 2021
“About a hundred.”
I do not work in a fraternity house. I don't know why these people felt the need to do this here, but it is terrible and horrifying that displays of decadent apathy are all these people can summon at a time when people are getting sick and dying.
— Aaron Fritschner (@Fritschner) July 29, 2021
If you pay taxes in the United States you are paying for this.
— Aaron Fritschner (@Fritschner) July 29, 2021
We’re also paying you to do this.
Two other things:
1) There is *no* chance these people will clean this up. They will leave it for the custodial staff.
2) There are Dem offices on that hall too, with staffers who have to walk through this go home.
Aerosolized virus can remain in the air for up to 3 hours.
— Aaron Fritschner (@Fritschner) July 29, 2021
Aaron Fritschner, everyone.
— You voted for this. 中国混蛋 (@hellcat_lady) July 29, 2021
Calm down, ma'am.
— Disappointed In You (@HeyItsJake_H) July 29, 2021
Aaron moments later
— For the Ratio (@RatioForthe) July 30, 2021
— Dr. Hypocrite (@GayStr8Shooter) July 29, 2021
Oh, good God, whatever will we do!?
— Buzz Patterson (@BuzzPatterson) July 29, 2021
— Summer Angel 🇺🇸 (@AFawn13) July 29, 2021
Oh, the humanity…
— My Beer is Infrastructure Carolina Brew ✏️✏️✏️ (@deeplens) July 30, 2021
Oh the horror 🤡
— Alex Kimble (@AlexPKimble) July 30, 2021
All of us at you RN
— patriotsdotwin “Cyber-Criminal” (@Shifu_Snake) July 29, 2021
I bet women look at you like that a lot.
— CaliLurker (@GunshipPolitico) July 30, 2021
My god…get the hell out of there or you are going to die!!!!!
— BuckeyeDawg (@Redlegs1111) July 29, 2021
As a liberal, I'd say this is a pretty good example of why people dislike us. They're not hurting anyone, just trying to relax. FFS man
— Roberto R (@RobertoRuizM12) July 29, 2021
Show us on the doll where the mean people having fun at the end of the day hurt you. 🤣 Either you didn’t get invited or, like most Democrats, you can’t stand when you can’t control someone. Big time Jonah vibes coming from you here.
— Brad Bravo (@BradBravo42) July 29, 2021
Again Just like like high school and college you are ignored the by the cool kids. The pretty women ignoring the dork.
— d (@dearty66) July 29, 2021
You are so brave! Glad you survived this frightening event! You deserve a medal of courage.
— TheSauceBoss (@ThesaucebossTX) July 30, 2021
Except for the cornhole, sounds like a good time.
— Darren G. (@DGraham28) July 29, 2021
A cigar!!! Holy shit!
Are you ok?
— Brian (@brianknoper) July 29, 2021
This guy took being a hall monitor too seriously 😂
— The Concerned Conservative (@theconcernedcon) July 29, 2021
Did you walk through to get these pics? How brave. So stunning.
— Brian (@bhg70) July 30, 2021
Tell me you're beta without telling me you're beta.
— Antibody (@jmauget) July 29, 2021
— JC (@Quato2) July 29, 2021
— MyOwnPieceOfPeace 🇺🇸 (@PieceOfPeace70) July 29, 2021
Enjoy another night of hanging out alone, wondering why you have no friends.
— LCHobbs (@lc_hobbs) July 29, 2021
This thread makes you look a bit creepy and sad and lonely. Do you want to talk about it?
— CFO (@GrandpaTMoney) July 29, 2021
I'm more upset they're playing "water" pong
— ryan (@remil760) July 29, 2021
— Andrew Saporetti (@AndrewSaporetti) July 29, 2021
Ok Karen.
— RightSideCarlos (@RightSideCarlo1) July 29, 2021
Can you give my number to the girl in the floral dress?
— Nathan E. Yates, M.S.F. (@NathanEYates) July 29, 2021
— Sean in Dunedin🇺🇲 (@seandunedin) July 29, 2021
Disgusting. That table is way too short for beer pong.
— SamHouston (@SamBowi58196956) July 29, 2021
Hall monitor, literally 🙄
— gbacci (@BacciGregg) July 29, 2021
— Kim Parker (@Befrisco5) July 29, 2021
This guy has a future at CNN.
It’s official, Nancy is the new ‘Karen’: Progressive harpy hounding Hyatt in batsh*t thread for hosting CPAC does NOT go well, like at all
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) February 28, 2021
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