OK, so Raw Story didn’t write this article and make all the pretty graphs; they just reprinted a piece from The Conversation authored by Julie VanDusky-Allen, assistant professor of political science, Boise State University, and Olga Shvetsova, professor of political science and economics, Binghamton University, State University of New York. But Raw Story did add “The data is in — and it’s damning” to their tweet, though.
There’s a lot they don’t tell you when they say higher death rates “in 2020,” though.
this is such a lie
They restrict their investigation of deaths to ONLY last summer, from June to August https://t.co/sxw9VB9j4b
— PoliMath (@politicalmath) May 12, 2021
Two whole months.
"from June 1 to August 31"
What happened during the other months of the year? pic.twitter.com/EUeHnaCWYE
— PoliMath (@politicalmath) May 12, 2021
Shame on these people and their lies meant only to support a political agenda@jvanduskyallen is a liar
She knows the truth and she lied about it to tell a political story she knows is false
Shame on her
— PoliMath (@politicalmath) May 12, 2021
"3000 Americans die in terror attacks each day on average under George Bush's watch"
[Sample period: Sept. 11, 2001]
— Allan (@AllanRicharz) May 12, 2021
A recent scientific study reveals that the New York Jets were the best NFL team in 2020*
*study looks at Week 15 and 16
— Kevin (@KevHoya07) May 12, 2021
“We realized that the most-populated states with Republican governors are in hot, arid regions. So we took the data from the summer months, when everyone in those states has to spend all day inside air-conditioned rooms.”
— BWH (@BWH85) May 12, 2021
— Karol Markowicz (@karol) May 12, 2021
Gee, why would they do that? New York: pic.twitter.com/HgBkSZP6bF
— Brian Phillips (@RealBPhil) May 12, 2021
Good grief you people are pathetic. You sampled data from 6/1-8/31. Now do the entire pandemic. What's that? You can't because it makes the blue govs look bad? Yeah, that's what I thought. #DeSantis2024
— Adriana Stubbs (@adriana_s1970) May 12, 2021
Now do the data for the whole year, not just June-August. You wrote a headline and then a story to fit it.
— Sound the Dread Alarm (@_ThisJustin_) May 12, 2021
Shorter @RawStory: We're here to deceive the dumbest among you.
— J (@ARaised_Eyebrow) May 12, 2021
This is blatant, cherry-picking dishonesty.
— Moley Russell’s Wart (@_BuckMelanoma_) May 12, 2021
Show me data for the entire 15 months of the pandemic. Not this qualified survey. BREAKING NEWS: Auto accidents caused by snow and ice dropped significantly in August!
— Zipsmooch (@zipsmooch) May 12, 2021
The year 2020 started on June 1?
— Shaner (@shaner5000) May 12, 2021
Wait, 2020 was only 3 months long? It felt like 30!
— Girth (@rgreenway2) May 12, 2021
Your data is only for a specific 3-month period. As the saying goes, statistics never lie but liars use statistics.
— Brian (@bhg70) May 12, 2021
Breaking news the months September to December did not occur last year. You were just dreaming about that.
— The Ghost of Thaddeus Stevens (@GhostofThaddeus) May 12, 2021
Cuomo killed all the old people in March-May. But those deaths don’t count.
— cprv (@ceepeerrrvvveee) May 12, 2021
"A slice of 2020…"
— Pete (@PeteInTheNorth) May 12, 2021
That is quite the dishonest and shameful hack job.
— John Fenton (@jhfenton) May 12, 2021
JoUrNaLiSm 🤡🤡🤡
— Drew Sadik (@drewbsadik) May 12, 2021
So you arbitrarily decided a time frame? Not the whole pandemic? Interesting, I wonder why?
— dave. (@Davelite93) May 12, 2021
Loathe politics, but this chart needs to be shown again. Pretty sorry cherry pick of data. Disingenuous intellectual dishonesty at it’s finest. pic.twitter.com/GGsMwsKDec
— LarryK (@LarryKazamias) May 12, 2021
@JVanDuskyAllen, this article you co-authored is dishonest. You do our nation and your readers a grave disservice drawing these conclusions from cherry-picked data.
— Brent Mayberry (@brentmayberry) May 12, 2021
Nice cherry picking of data over a short period of time.
The top 4 States for deaths are all democrat. NJ, NY, MA, RI.
🤡🤡🤡🤡— Sarre Baldassarri (@sarregoeswest) May 12, 2021
Blatant propaganda piece.
Author used 3 months of estimated excess death data data (not an exact science at all) which was carefully cherry picked to exclude the worst wave of deaths in the democratic northeastern states like NY and NJ.
— Matt Kleinholz (@mkleinholzASU) May 12, 2021
Here are the people Raw Story was trying to reach.
— Lovable (@Blitz79171378) May 12, 2021
They supported Death.
— gr8hndz4u (@Gr8hndz4uSybil) May 12, 2021
But –
The people surviving had their “libbity”,.,
— nous (@secrati) May 12, 2021
Final word:
The data is in — Raw Story cherry picked data during three months of the summer of 2020 so they could gas light their idiotic readership about how bad the GOP is pic.twitter.com/9BbFW39PJl
— Mrz.T (@MaeTellu) May 12, 2021
Nate Silver and others fact check two lib blue-checks on Florida and COVID-19 https://t.co/j9Jr8AJaQh
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) April 27, 2021
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