We’ve done quite a few posts on the Chicago Teachers Union. All the way back in December, the union tweeted that “the push to reopen schools is rooted in sexism, racism and misogyny.” Union members in January refused to go back to the classrooms Monday until the buildings were safe. A couple of weeks later, the union voted to teach from home Monday rather than return to school.
And in a really bizarre twist, teachers a couple of days later posted a video of interpretive dances to “express their desire to feel safe” upon returning to classrooms.
Have they been moved to the front of the line for vaccinations? We’re not sure, but we’d put money on it.
And now the union is threatening another walkout.
here we go again. pic.twitter.com/3Usmc52XKb
— Corey A. DeAngelis (@DeAngelisCorey) April 13, 2021
Teachers are for teachers, not students.
— Jim Rose ☕️ (@JimRoseAF) April 13, 2021
I don’t understand.. Even Los Angeles & New York teachers have gone back.
— MissyB (@missbte) April 13, 2021
Unions destroyed Detroit, the airline industry, and now public education…
— Obi Wan Kenobi baby! (@kenobi_baby) April 13, 2021
Teachers unions are one of the greatest hinderances to childhood education in the US.
— Counter Econ (@counter_econ) April 13, 2021
I should hope residents of these districts will get their tax money back. If teachers refuse to do their jobs, they should not be paid.
— Myrddraal (@HandOfTheDark) April 13, 2021
Time for tax payers to file class action lawsuits against the city. No school, no taxes. No taxes, no teachers salaries.
— Just Jen (@jj_justjen) April 13, 2021
So, when they walk out, what direction should we tell them to keep walking in? I don't have or never had kids in CPS. I want a tax refund.
— Splash&Cody(RIP??) (@damooseter) April 13, 2021
Man, I wish I had a job in which I could just refuse to do it, threaten to go on strike, and yet keep collecting paychecks.
— The Red Quest (@TheRedQuest) April 13, 2021
Apparently they don't have the heart to teach. Fire them. Get teachers that want to do their jobs. I'm over it!
— Michelle Lang (@rebelbrat71) April 13, 2021
Looking forward to the interpretive dance video.
— Pete Sjostedt (@PeterSjostedt1) April 13, 2021
Ridiculous. My kids have been in school in-person in Texas since August. Wouldn’t it be nice for all of us to get paid for not working?!
— Kelly L (@ellykayelle) April 13, 2021
They better not be getting gas for their vehicles or be in a grocery store!
— monica hojnacki (@monica8013) April 13, 2021
Fire every last one.
— C/SAR Diver ???⚔ (@rstemler1) April 13, 2021
Awwww Chicago, the gift that keeps giving to show how bad public schools can get.
— ZeroTBill (@ZeroTBill) April 13, 2021
Exemplary role models for our youth.
— Canidiantwit (@canidiantwit) April 13, 2021
Does this surprise anyone. These people are not coming back. pic.twitter.com/MmpFP6yp7A
— Texas patriot (@candyfife) April 13, 2021
Fire every damn one of them. Alabama schools have been open since September 2020. These Democrat teachers should be fired and replaced.
— Flamepaintedbybrenda (@Bredesigns) April 13, 2021
Easy solution. Terminate them for position abandonment. I’m done playing nice with these jack wagons.
— Jack Turner (@1searchingforup) April 13, 2021
Then fire every damn one of them and hire substitutes until you fill the positions. In my 25 years of working I've never seen employers allow employees to hold them hostage. FIRE THEM or put them on unpaid leave with suspended benefits pending return to work.
— C (@C19801607) April 13, 2021
Mass firing is the answer.
— The Peoples Republic of Padilla (@StpeterPadilla) April 13, 2021
In an odd sort of way the teachers are actually helping the students for a change.
Now… if the parents can just redirect their education tax dollars to locations that will educate & not brainwash…— Just Me (@ShantzShantz) April 13, 2021
They prefer remote teaching from Puerto Rico vacation spots. Fire them all
— DOGE Greg ???? (@GregSkowronek) April 13, 2021
Fire them all. Im sure we can find a replacement for them. What about all the immigrants streaming over our southern border? There's bound to be a couple of qualified candidates.
— Uncledaddy (@Uncledaddy734) April 13, 2021
If I were mayor, I wouldn't wait. I would issue an open call for all non-union teachers, instructors, and retirees with a passion for teaching, and staff, offering them each a one year renewable contract job. The children matter.?
— engineerDiamond (@artistDiamond) April 13, 2021
— toni allison?? (@JACKLINCOLN) April 13, 2021
Chicago teachers don’t believe in science. They believe in self gratification.
— Elizabeth78 (@87_htebazile) April 13, 2021
Teachers union leader who pushed classroom boycott to ‘stay safe’ shared some nice vacay pics from Puerto Rico https://t.co/lLLoob5Fqt
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) January 1, 2021
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