As Twitchy reported, once the GameStop story took off, a reporter for Mother Jones decided to check out the messaging app Telegram to see if the Nazis were trading GameStop and AMC stock. If you’re not familiar with Telegram, the story goes like this: Once Twitter decided to kick the Nazis off the service, they all migrated to Gab, and then moved on to Telegram because it’s encrypted. (Meanwhile, conservatives started moving over to Parler, which Amazon Web Services then pulled down after the storming of the Capitol, seeing it as a platform for insurrection.)
That piqued the curiosity of Hill health reporter Nathaniel Weixel, who wanted to know what sort of overlap there was between the Redditors who were buying up GameStop stock and the Nazis who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6.
what is your sense of the overlap between the r/WSB people and the nazis on telegram and elsewhere who stormed the capitol
— Nathaniel Weixel (@NateWeixel) January 27, 2021
Now Newsweek has gotten in on it and has been scouring Proud Boy groups and such on Telegram to see if far-right extremists are radicalizing day traders on the service. The answer: Yes … if you believe everyone to the right of Lenin is a Nazi.
Far-right extremists use GameStop chaos to radicalize and recruit on Telegram
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) January 29, 2021
Lmao media still using the terrorgram bogeyman
— ????BurgandianNeko???? (@EvolaistNeko) January 30, 2021
These white supremacists make me sick
— Lemmy (@Lemmmmmmmy) January 30, 2021
Just here for the ratio, you utterly insane dolts.
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) January 29, 2021
The ratio….
— Nookie (@EJames9029) January 30, 2021
— Marie Arf (#JillBidenIsNotADoctor) (@schwingcat) January 30, 2021
The new McCarthyism. There are secret Nazis everywhere waiting to destroy the American way of life. Maybe it's a deflection so that people won't notice that the people actually destroying our society are the elites running it.
— No Name is Safe (@themaninbpt) January 30, 2021
Oh shut the hell up you out of touch fools. There has been nothing in my memory that has united folks on all sides of the political spectrum as this has. Unless you’ve been paid to write this, then you’re bought and paid for hacks.
— Denny Chad Halen (@DennyLoggins) January 30, 2021
"Several accounts"
LOL. Maybe check how many accounts exist on Telegram. I don't really frequent the site, but this is laughable, if not some desperate attempt to smear GameStop investors.
— The historicity of historic historiography guy ? (@ArmaOrientalis) January 29, 2021
Always the loyal propagandist, Newsweek uses every opportunity to push for Patriot Act 2.0, Domestic Terrorism Act.
— Myrna Lim (@Myrnastwit) January 30, 2021
You might want to stealth edit that headline…
— Reid Frick (@frick_reid) January 29, 2021
̶w̶h̶i̶t̶e̶ ̶n̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶a̶l̶i̶s̶t̶
far-rightYeah this time it'll stick
— Nathan (@NathWatkins) January 30, 2021
that's completely ridiculous
— Hidden Bids (@HiddenBids) January 29, 2021
When everyone's far-right….
…no one is.
— Big Bad Bone Daddy ??☠️ (Commissions Open!) (@ArtDben) January 30, 2021
Amazing how many mainstream publications have been co-opted.
— Chris Close (@soclose2me) January 29, 2021
They're really stretching the loose ends just to scare people to sell huh.
— Tequila Senior (@DrunkGenuine) January 29, 2021
Can't have the poors making money can we?
— Kenarchist (@kenb503) January 29, 2021
How much did the hedgefunders pay you guys to write this shit take?
— Jo The Artist ???? (@joliartist) January 30, 2021
They play the far right card and race card when they are desperate
— Imthespicyman (@ImtheSpicyman) January 30, 2021
Or… at all times regardless of the situation
— recalcitrant (@meraklikoylu) January 30, 2021
The new McCarthyism is fun to see. Call the plebs "far-right" to keep them from mobilizing to make some cash at the expense of the suits. I see ya.
— bennie35 (@bigbenmaul) January 30, 2021
— Adam12 (@AdamTwelv) January 30, 2021
Nice try.
— JD-Mc (@The_Real_JDMc) January 30, 2021
We're not falling for that one Newsweek.
— ?Jack The King Ophe?? (@BlackIceSheep) January 30, 2021
Come on @Newsweek. Do better.
— Sheyenne (@Sheyenne) January 30, 2021
Wait I thought this was fake???
— Undead Stranger (@Strangelov3_NG) January 30, 2021
It's fun watching the elite scramble to spin the news in real time
— Not Jay Owen (@NotJayOwen1) January 30, 2021
When all you have is a journalism degree, any action against billionaires looks like a far right plot
— Markski (@imMarkski) January 29, 2021
— Tom Currell (@Punderlust) January 30, 2021
Newsweak = ??
— The Hoppe Hammer (@tdah1974) January 30, 2021
— Pathfinder (@Shas_La) January 30, 2021
Words no longer have meaning.
— Sai-fon (@LastSnowLeopard) January 30, 2021
The media attempting to divide the US population again, who’s surprised.
— KommandoPosting?✝️ (@KommandoPosting) January 30, 2021
"The enemy is everywhere!"
— anugu (@mansaidkill) January 30, 2021
@Newsweek seriously? Who slipped yall a $20?
— Gruber (@MarkGRubes) January 29, 2021
In another life, just a few weeks ago, constant takes like this angered me but now I feel a sort of calm. Were in a position now to just ignore the noise. We dont need them and I feel a detached peace. Carry on and let them wail.
— Fimbulwinter Soldier (@FimbulwinterSo2) January 30, 2021
Must have been successful. They turned AOC.
— Booker (@BookerOBrien) January 30, 2021
Congratulations on the L, you earned it
— Mitch Zer0 (@MitchZer0) January 30, 2021
Yes I'd like to place an order for 500 more shares of GameStop.
— Class Redux Killa (@BLCKD_COM_PILLD) January 27, 2021
— Adam Brock (@albrock88) January 30, 2021
Is this really the route you're gonna go with on this topic? Because I don't think it'll work like you're thinking it will.
— Seymour Butts (@SeymourButts300) January 30, 2021
Quick! Use the “Far-right, white supremacism card.”
— BlueBlock (@BlueBlock17) January 30, 2021
Gonna have to get a new Narrative Generator, old bean.
That one's busted and drooling.— Alexandra Wordskovsky (@PivotHeel) January 29, 2021
If young white males team up to do anything online, they’re obviously white supremacists.
Hot take: What’s the overlap between the Nazis trading GameStop stocks and the ones who stormed the Capitol?
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) January 27, 2021
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