Former CIA Director John Brennan is watching the Senate impeachment trial and was disgusted by the opening argument given by President Trump’s attorney, White House Counsel Pat Cipollone. Never in his 33 years of public service has he heard a government lawyer so misrepresent the facts.
During more than 33 years in public service, I never heard a government lawyer so misrepresent the facts & deceive the American public as WH Counsel Pat Cipollone just did in the Senate impeachment trial. Further evidence of the contagion of Mr. Trump’s dishonesty & corruption.
— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) January 21, 2020
Former CIA operations officer Mark Augustine gave a shout-out to his old boss:
Hello from one of your former CIA case officers. You prostituted your oath of office for partisan gain, spied on and lied to Congress and targeted citizens whom you were supposed to be serving.
You're going to jail, sir.
— Mark Augustine (@MarkAugustine60) January 21, 2020
— Joseph A Springer (@1stSSF) January 21, 2020
Apparently you never listened to Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch.
— Trapper (@Trapper89192319) January 21, 2020
We doubt he’s going to jail because it seems justice doesn’t apply to Democrats and the Deep State. It would be nice if the Durham report came with some indictments, though.
It would be some kind of justice… time to clean house too
— Steve Johnson ?? (@StvJnsn) January 21, 2020
Hopefully he will be serving time soon.
— Keep Looking Up (@KeepLookingUp6) January 21, 2020
??♀️second that.
— November (@Fateinheart2014) January 21, 2020
From your mouth to God's ear adding "immediately if not sooner"!
— Neil Girrard (@NGirrard) January 21, 2020
Please, God, let this happen!!
— Ginny (@ginnylourn) January 21, 2020
I'll physically be there for your perp walk to federal prison
— Jack E BEAR????? (@JackEBEAR3) January 21, 2020
@JohnBrennan enjoy prison fool. Maybe you can room with @MichaelAvenatti …
— Chris Deplorable (@maga2020kaga) January 21, 2020
Jail would be too good, unless perhaps, that jail is GITMO
— Nicole (@hereforpotus) January 21, 2020
Actually he may be going to the gallows. I don't like to wish ill upon people in general but this one deserves a special kind of Justice.
— @SawJaws (@sawjaws) January 21, 2020
Damn! Nice dress down, Mr. Augustine!
— SeKend Amendmint – yep, I know (@amendmint) January 21, 2020
Sir ?
You are a lot better human being than I am, sir. ?
— Setsuko Germanaro (@SetsukoGermana1) January 21, 2020
Thank you for your service Mr. Augustine. It's a shame Brennan is smearing all that work in the CIA by his illegal acts and cover ups. Have an awesome day.
— John Ansell (@JohnAnsell9) January 21, 2020
Nah he’s telling the truth but @AdamSchiff has been lying for 3+ years now to the American people!
— Gemini24⭐️⭐️⭐️?? (@Lucy24Smith) January 21, 2020
I mean… you ARE an expert at misrepresenting the facts and deceiving the American public… you made a career out of it.
Delete your account.
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) January 21, 2020
It's not like he spied on the American people and then lied about it.
— Plàya Manhattan (@PlayaManhattan) January 21, 2020
LOL this is how you can tell Pat Cipollone did a great job
— Tyler Raquet (@tylerraquet) January 21, 2020
All this means is that Pat Cipollone spoke eloquently and truthfully.
— John (@AllegoryOfTheJ) January 21, 2020
I can't watch because I have a real job but from these two reactions it is crystal clear that Cipollone is handing out and Cookies and A$$ Whoopings and he is ALL OUT OF COOKIES!!
— Penny Swalwell (@PennySwalwell) January 21, 2020
Translation- Cipollone did a FANTASTIC job.
— michonne walker (@michonne_walker) January 21, 2020
#LeftistTranslator engage! Cipollone did a great job. We must stop him any way we can. And, I #JohnCommieBrennan, should have given up the idea of being involved in government 33 years ago
— Keith.S.Gwd (@KeithSGwd) January 21, 2020
You're going to prison, dude.
— Patrick Gunnels (@PatrickGunnels) January 21, 2020
We smell your fear. In. Every. One. Of. Your. Tweets.
— Di ⭐️⭐️⭐️ ? Democrats are Done Trump2020 (@Dihaggis) January 21, 2020
Deep state very invested in fake impeachment trial!
— Annieone3 (@annieone3) January 21, 2020
You may want to sit this one out. Hopefully you’ll be indicted soon. #TickTock
— Virginia Girl (@virginiagirl10) January 21, 2020
Oh my, the so-called case against Trump has so many holes in it that 100 Mack trucks driven side-by-side could be driven through any one of those holes. Stick a fork in the Dems–they're done! Oh yes, & the clock is ticking on you dear Comrade as we all wait for the Durham Report
— David Georgeff (@djgeorgeff) January 21, 2020
Amazing that you think your opinions matter
— Mark??? (@remarkabils) January 21, 2020
I rue your 33 years every day.
— Tami Markworth (@lovemydogsss) January 21, 2020
I have lost a lot of respect for you in the last few years and yet, to my surprise, i find I can lose even more.
— the Captal de Buch (@TheCaptal) January 21, 2020
He’s dead Jim, DEAD! Jay Sekulow just absolutely destroyed Adam Schiff and his little impeachment sham too (watch)
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) January 21, 2020
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