Pretty much all of the Democratic candidates are for legalizing marijuana. But what about old Uncle Joe Biden? The Hill reported Sunday that Biden had told attendees at a town hall in Las Vegas Saturday that “whether the U.S. should legalize cannabis on a federal level is still up for debate as far as he is concerned.”
Biden says he won't legalize marijuana because it may be a "gateway drug"
— The Hill (@thehill) November 18, 2019
“The truth of the matter is, there’s not nearly been enough evidence that has been acquired as to whether or not it is a gateway drug,” Biden said, according to Business Insider. “It’s a debate, and I want a lot more before I legalize it nationally. I want to make sure we know a lot more about the science behind it.”
Biden, as he has throughout his time on the campaign trail, said he supports medical marijuana and insisted possession of the substance “should not be a crime.”
But he also said Saturday that he thinks the decision to legalize marijuana should be left up to individual states.
Guess that debate took place Sunday, because on Monday, the Biden campaign posted a nice graphic of where he stands on marijuana legalization:
There is a lot of talk out there on where I stand when it comes to our marijuana laws. Here are the facts:
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) November 18, 2019
So … legalize it first and then study the health impacts and the science behind it? While we’re busy banning vaping over a handful of cases?
Even boomer Robert B. Reich had to set Biden straight:
From one boomer to another… that's not how this works.
— Robert Reich (@RBReich) November 18, 2019
Actually, isn’t Biden too old to be a boomer?
— Joe Loud Guy (@JoeLoudGuy) November 18, 2019
— Single Payer or Bust? (@stephlynn1982) November 18, 2019
— Impeach Already!!! ⚖️ (@atom_attic) November 18, 2019
I will not lift one finger to get this fool elected.
— Bad John Brown (@BadJohnBrown) November 18, 2019
Bye Joe … He's got old info
— Richard Clark (@kpaws22) November 18, 2019
— Rob ?☠️ (@heterochromicp1) November 18, 2019
Biden just watched this again before this statement.
— Brando Calrissian (@MuseMan82) November 18, 2019
— Camara (@mssankofa) November 18, 2019
Is anyone under 50 even supporting this guy? Out of touch doesn’t even begin to describe this guy.
— SoleSurvivor (@Solesurvivor78) November 18, 2019
Gateway to what? Reduced anxiety and less stress? Yeah, let’s all avoid that. In fact, just make that illegal too. ?
Btw, you really have your finger on the pulse of the people. What’s next? Prohibition?
— Angel (@Angelux1111) November 18, 2019
Jesus Christ Boomer….. Marijuana is a gateway drug, like CocaCola is a gateway to coke. Enough out of you old man. I'd guess 70% have either sampled or still smoke weed & are doing just fine. It's as common as cigars. Or a glass of whiskey or wine. One is just enough..
— Nate Parrish (@Problemattic) November 18, 2019
That sound you hear is all the millennials dropping out of his campaign. Does the Democratic Party give consolation gifts for also-rans in primary campaigns?
— Matt Frisbee (@MattFrisbee3) November 18, 2019
he's just trolling us now
— online nobody (@online_nobody) November 18, 2019
Is this the definition of “ok boomer”? ??
— tomas salas | ?????☂️ (@bettsalas) November 18, 2019
I’m convinced his campaign is a social experiment to see how fast he can go from a moderately popular politician to 0% support
— The Guillotine Shouter (@guillotineshout) November 18, 2019
Actually, he said he wanted more debate and research first, wants to decriminalize possession, and wanted states to be allowed to legalize it themselves, but you do you, Hill headline writer.
— Patrick (@TrickFreee) November 18, 2019
Fair point.
Absolutely garbage candidate
— A Flock of Seagals (@ASegals) November 18, 2019
This dude is going to lose to Trump so hard, and blue checkmarks will still find a way to blame the left for it.
— StillSteerage (@StillSteerage) November 18, 2019
Former prosecutor Kamala Harris supports legalizing weed because it’s fueled America’s mass-incarceration system
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) November 18, 2019
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