As the Associated Press points out, the Democratic primary kicked off with a record six female candidates, but they’ve all fallen by the wayside except for Elizabeth Warren. Is it just politics, or is it sexism?
The Democratic presidential race started with a record six female candidates, but only one is polling in the top tier. Is it sexism or just politics?
— The Associated Press (@AP) November 12, 2019
The question arose because candidate Amy Klobuchar said that Pete Buttigieg is getting more attention than she is because he’s a man. The AP reports:
Is it sexism or just politics?
That’s the debate that erupted Monday as one of those candidates, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, publicly complained about gender bias in the race, saying voters and the media were giving rival Pete Buttigieg, a small-town mayor, more support and attention because he’s a man. A woman with a similar resume, Klobuchar argued, wouldn’t be taken seriously enough to make the debate stage.
We’d have to agree that Pete Buttigieg has received more than his fair share of attention, and his election as a gay man would also make history. But both Buttigieg and Klobuchar are non-starters. So, is it politics or sexism?
Sexism. Democrats are definitely sexist.
— RBe (@RBPundit) November 12, 2019
And racist according to Harris.
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) November 12, 2019
The Democrats certainly were hoping that straight old white man Joe Biden would jump into the race, but it’s his own fault that he’s floundering.
systemic Democrat sexism
— Shane Styles (@shaner5000) November 12, 2019
It’s just that they suck
— CMC For MVP (@young_thuggha) November 12, 2019
Not sexism at all, they are just awful candidates
— WI Libertarian (@WI_Libertarian) November 12, 2019
It started with 16 men and only 2 of them remain viable…
— Lonnie Young (@LubbockYoung) November 12, 2019
I pity Klobuchar’s last lame attempt at getting more points/attention. I have to agree that this is pretty desperate …and a nail in her presidential campaign! Too bad!
— Ohiomom (@Ohiomom8) November 12, 2019
Maybe they just stink. They are bad at this.
— Bubba Banjo (@BubbaBanjo) November 12, 2019
Have better policies and probably poll better?
— Toby Reynolds (@TobyTBD) November 12, 2019
Total sexism. Totally.
— Nate (@theonetheonlyn8) November 12, 2019
Obviously sexism
— PerPlexedUnai (@llcthecableguy) November 12, 2019
I’m shocked the left are being sexist towards their own candidates.
— Just a fan (@WrestlinInsider) November 12, 2019
I for one am shocked Klobuchar is polling poorly. She's extremely likable and no poor stories have been written about her.
— Chris Madche (@ChrisMadche) November 12, 2019
Perhaps if she wasn't publicly known for losing her shit at her employees regularly and treating her staff like dogs, she might be polling better.
There are only really 3 people in this race and only 2 are being reported as contenders.
— Mike Posey (@MikePosey5) November 12, 2019
It's pretty lame of Klobuchar, who has been a lousy candidate, to blame sexism for her failure to launch.
— jezmund (@jezmundzmusic) November 12, 2019
She’s horrible…
— Sean R (@SeanReli) November 12, 2019
Well, they are ALL pretty bad…
— the Captal de Buch (@TheCaptal) November 12, 2019
Could it because not one is qualified for the job they have now never mind White House
— L.R.Murdock.. (@myassbeDragon) November 12, 2019
Neither. They are just crappy candidates.
— Angry Janitor (@jayarrington) November 12, 2019
It could be because they are bad candidates with bad ideas.
— 1,000am (@real1000AM) November 12, 2019
It’s poor candidates. There….problem solved??
— grannie annie (@anilildarlin) November 12, 2019
All of the Democratic candidates are terrible!
— Linda Marie Sheffield (@TinkAnna1) November 12, 2019
Lack of quality.
— Vinny (@vinnyc101) November 12, 2019
Just that they are all nuts
— Staffro – Aka – BMF (@staffro11) November 12, 2019
The PC crowd would like us all to believe it's sexism. The tactic is familiar: Blame somebody or something else for a failure. Whether they are fem or male, all the Dem candidates are spouting socialism and dont have the right stuff to be president.
— AngePurs (@angepurs) November 12, 2019
When all else fails, default to blaming immutable characteristics.
— Abe Froman (@Abe_Froman_34) November 12, 2019
Is the one in the top tier Kamala?
Because I was told she is a top tier candidate.
— Anna James Zeigler (@ajzeigler) November 12, 2019
I, too, will be waiting for the "top tier candidate" crack from team Tulsi when Kamala finally drops out.
— Charles R. Mousseau ???? (@AlphaLackey) November 12, 2019
I always love to see the lefts reaction when their own identity politics and virtue signaling is turned back around on them. Cannibalism is never more entertaining
— Mike Constitution (@PHXGTR) November 12, 2019
Ahhhh. The elite left are eating their own. Hate to see that.
— Ken M.’s Life Advice (@HeyItsKenM) November 12, 2019
This only sounds like the press wants you to believe it’s sexism. “Journalism”
— Jonathan Weaver (@jweave87) November 12, 2019
What a ridiculous headline.
— Merriam (@hajjehx2) November 12, 2019
What a headline. Smh, journalism is dead.
— Sean (@kyfan502) November 12, 2019
Well, keep that one in the back pocket in case Chief Little Warren has to mak a concession speech
— The Husky (@The_Husky_Knows) November 12, 2019
'Kamillary'? Kamala Harris pre-emptively blames her campaign's implosion on sexism and racism
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) October 28, 2019
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