OK, you already know from a headline including the word “retraumatizing” that we’re probably getting ready to talk about some college snowflakes, and you’d be right. This time it’s The Daily Northwestern apologizing in an editorial that the paper “was not the paper that Northwestern students deserve” when it came time to covering former Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ visit to campus.
Protesters weren’t happy with the way they were covered, according to the paper’s staff, who write:
On Nov. 5, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions spoke on campus at a Northwestern University College Republicans event. The Daily sent a reporter to cover that talk and another to cover the students protesting his invitation to campus, along with a photographer. We recognize that we contributed to the harm students experienced, and we wanted to apologize for and address the mistakes that we made that night — along with how we plan to move forward.
One area of our reporting that harmed many students was our photo coverage of the event. Some protesters found photos posted to reporters’ Twitter accounts retraumatizing and invasive. Those photos have since been taken down. On one hand, as the paper of record for Northwestern, we want to ensure students, administrators and alumni understand the gravity of the events that took place Tuesday night. However, we decided to prioritize the trust and safety of students who were photographed. We feel that covering traumatic events requires a different response than many other stories.
What, seriously? The paper’s photo coverage “harmed many students”? Covering “traumatic events” requires a different response? Remind us again what the “traumatic event” was because we’re still not sure.
The paper also apologized for using the campus directory to reach out to students and “to ask if they’d be willing to be interviewed.” “We recognize being contacted like this is an invasion of privacy.”
This is unreal.
In which Northwestern campus journalists apologize for calling up students and asking if they would be willing to be interviewed. https://t.co/fkrJSBUzMp
— Charles Lane (@ChuckLane1) November 12, 2019
Embarrassing from start to finish
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) November 12, 2019
Our ruling class, about 20 years from now.
— mesquito (@mesquito84) November 12, 2019
— Gus Pickerill (@guspick) November 12, 2019
That’s not snowflakes, that’s a blizzard.
— TOM ALLEN (@tomSays15) November 12, 2019
Apology?? There is no apology needed. What a bunch of fruit loops
— Seekeroftruth (@miketoddrunner) November 12, 2019
What a bunch of wimps.
— Cathy Buffaloe (@cathybuffaloe) November 12, 2019
"retraumatizing and invasive." Are these students part of real life? Why do even bother going to college if they aren't willing to be exposed to various viewpoints? This is a perfect example of why college shouldn't be free. The govt would live to control what you learn.
— MJJ (@jacktsnack) November 12, 2019
The writers of this article should visit a VA hospital or a big city emergency room before they consider using trauma in such a casual manner.
— Stubborn Things (@ThingsStubborn) November 12, 2019
Perhaps these coddled snowflakes require Play-Doh when Jeff Session speaks on campus?
— Duopianos (@stgreene61) November 12, 2019
Oh FFS! pic.twitter.com/sbYS6a2vI4
— The Doctor (@KmMalvey) November 12, 2019
Is this a joke?
— That effort (@donnakaye2014) November 12, 2019
So you wanna stand outside with your “F**k Jeff Sessions” posterboard, but a text is invasive and an invasion of privacy, being photographed is traumatizing, and being reported on is harmful and you don’t feel safe.
Grow up.
Harvard's student government agrees with activist snowflakes that student newspaper shouldn't've sought comment from ICE in story about ICE https://t.co/95si8s5MGO
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) November 11, 2019
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