First, we have “conservative” columnists like Jennifer Rubin and Max Boot declaring that they will vote a straight Democratic ticket in order to burn down the Republican party, and now we have CNN political analyst Sarah Isgur hearing “a lot of quiet conversations” among conservative thought leaders (like Rubin and Boot?) about what a post-Trump Republican party will look like.
A lot of quiet conversations among conservative thought leaders today about how to prepare for a “post Trump” Republican Party—whether its impeachment or a loss in 2020. People thinking about how that shakes out and where they fit. This is not good for Trump.
— Sarah Isgur (@whignewtons) October 5, 2019
In our opinion, a lot of people don’t fit and deserve to be shaken out.
There are no discussions on this topic happening.
— the Flash (@ThickenParm) October 5, 2019
Are you speculating about the existence of these conversations or have you been a party to them?
— Don (@Secretoriginz) October 5, 2019
And you know this how? They’re definitely not talking to you. And you didn’t quote “unnamed sources“. #hack
— Bot and Paid For (@Gibberishone) October 5, 2019
Breaking: CNN reporter speaks to never trumpers; invents and push polls bad news for president.
— Fingerling (@totter777) October 5, 2019
Not true. Fake news!
— Michael C. Sracic (@mcsracic) October 5, 2019
Sure, Jan.
— Laura (@NonsenseEnd) October 5, 2019
[citation needed]
— 80's Villain's Doge (@80sVillainsDoge) October 5, 2019
Names or it didn’t happen.
— Little Larry Sellers (@SpawnOfDanelaw) October 5, 2019
"And the person I overheard saying these totally real things that really are being said was….Albert Einstein."
— Ricardo Valesquez (@RickyDelFuego) October 5, 2019
Why would any real conservative have any conversation with you?
— Perry Bullock (@PerryBullock) October 5, 2019
She overheard some conservative thought leaders talking in a hipster coffee shop.
Who might these people be?
— Jill Rogness (@Jillrogness) October 5, 2019
Is @JRubinBlogger one of them?
— Dima Sokolovskyy (@sokolovskyyyyy) October 5, 2019
That's very creative. Good job!
— kgbman (@kgbman) October 5, 2019
These people, who you wont mention by name, have been wrong about everything. For a long time now.
— Alex Garner (@leadpacer) October 5, 2019
Presumably it’s the same Conservative thought leaders that predicted that Trump would never win.
You people really are one of the most astoundingly stupid people that the West has ever created.
— Tesh (@TeshPunja) October 5, 2019
You had better get your “ear to the ground” recalibrated.
— Truth is not subjective (@EdGontarz) October 5, 2019
How does this make sense when 95 % of Republicans support the President? Do you live in some sort of bubble?
— Roland_Gunslinger (@LoaraHsAlum) October 5, 2019
Who are these so called quiet conservative thought leaders? Obviously being quiet does not work for us conservatives anymore. we sat back and minded our own business and let others do their own thing only to have our entire justice system f*cked by Obama negligence
— Truth Love & Covfefe (@TLC3Publishing) October 5, 2019
Conversations among elites maybe, but us little people know exactly where we are heading. Maybe elites should hit the streets and talk with real people.
— Mrs. ?? (@JaxWaterfront) October 5, 2019
More like delusion among the swamp RINOs.
— Chuck Wanamaker (@CW_Money) October 5, 2019
We stopped listening to Conservative *thot* leaders on November 8, 2016- and America is doing very well as a result.
— Jimmy (@ItsjustJimmy) October 5, 2019
“Conservative thought leaders”= cowards.
— Topcat108 (@TmcuseoCuseo) October 5, 2019
Oh no a CNN stooge says something is not good for Trump.
That’s it. This time we definitely have the beginning of the end.
— Bryan Hilferty (@BryanHilferty) October 5, 2019
A “quiet conversation” is not a conversation but a timid whisper. Good luck attracting the Americans who voted for Trump with a thunderous clamor to clean up DC.
— PoorRichard (@PoorRic78938881) October 5, 2019
Are the voices in the room with you? Do they tell you to harm yourself or others?
— The Sinistral Bassist (@SinistralBass) October 5, 2019
Nothing @CNN reports is the truth. Why do you lie? Seriously, why can’t you be honest?
— Charles Fowler (@charlesfowler) October 5, 2019
LOL, this is great for Trump! "conservative thought leaders" (?? lolololol??lolol) need to take a hike. lololol. ??? sigh.
ok, breathe. (not gonna laugh. not gonna laugh) ??
Did these ? conservative ? thought ? leaders ? talk about Trump's fundraising too? ??
— Dani the Whistleblower (@NewYearsDani) October 5, 2019
Archived, we'll talk next year sweetheart.
— Make South Bend Great Again (@WakeUpUSA1st) October 5, 2019
‘No worries’! Trump campaign’s Biden/Ukraine ad won’t be seen in airports after CNN refuses to run it in the name of truth
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) October 3, 2019
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