We don’t know who Stirling Morris is, apart from the fact that he’s verified (with just above 1,000 followers) and what we know from his very woke Twitter bio: he’s a dad, a feminist, a GunSense reform advocate, an LGBTQ supporter and a global citizen.
We also know he’s going viral with his tweet about MAGA hats and the people who wear them. We’ve already been assured by Alyssa Milano and others that the red MAGA hat is the new white Klan hood, but we guess that wasn’t demonization enough.
But it’s OK to wear one in the privacy of one’s home? Just don’t go out in public? Listen, this game is tired.
Try it, big guy.
— Duchess of Greenland AnnaD (@AnnaDsays) August 17, 2019
He’s a feminist.
— daniel burlington (@danielburlingt1) August 17, 2019
So you're saying I can take him
— Duchess of Greenland AnnaD (@AnnaDsays) August 17, 2019
Of course you could take him. He's a pussy.
— Vern Demerest (@TxAv8r) August 17, 2019
Calm down, cupcake.
— Vern Demerest (@TxAv8r) August 17, 2019
?you sound like a wonderful person — glad to see you copied all the far left attack words …none of which are true pic.twitter.com/jG5d1Ek7Li
— JimW_in_ABQ (@JimW_in_NM) August 17, 2019
I never consider voting for Trump until dudes like this say stuff like this.
— Peerless Poff (@JBPDayton) August 17, 2019
Exactly. I didn't vote for him either but this hysteria and privilege is out of control.
— Hmm. Interesting. (@kime585) August 17, 2019
Modern tolerance by the once tolerant left.
You’re nothing more than a jackass who wants attention.
— ♱ Mr. Will ♱ (@Dudeteronomy) August 17, 2019
You're the kind of person who gets in the face of & screams at people who either can't respond back to you due to work or distance & exactly the kind of P.O.S. I love to run up on when their in the act of picking on those helpless people.
— Jim Murphy (@JimmyCoyoteLoco) August 17, 2019
Correction: He’s the kind of person who claims he gets in the face of people and screams.
Virtue signaling on the Internet, illustrated. ? https://t.co/aFunoLcN1U
— Ken Gardner (@KenGardner11) August 17, 2019
You seem well adjusted ?
— Don'tBanShan (@shansmith) August 17, 2019
Watching your reply count go up is kind of impressive.
— CasualMeyhem (@CasualMeyhem) August 17, 2019
You don't know a single one of us who fits your lying descriptors.
The media is making you people believe this to intimidate us.
This is an evil fascist tactic.
You are part of this evil fascism.
— Nationalist Freedom Lover (@1969tttt) August 17, 2019
You do realize all the things you said perfectly describes your sorry smug behind. For some reason you freaks are nowhere to be found when I wear my hat. #MAGA
— Patriotic American (@RedStRising) August 17, 2019
I’l bet if you saw me in public you wouldn’t even mumble a word in my direction and keep on walking ??♂️
— B2 (@bjb32) August 17, 2019
Pretty sure you’re correct! ?
— over it (@Texansdoitbest) August 17, 2019
Just here for the ratio.
— Sam Caruth (@SamCaruth1) August 17, 2019
Settle down kid, 5.5 more years! #MAGA #TRUMP2020Landside #AmericaWinning ??
— Ward D. Lyon (@wdlyon) August 17, 2019
Still wear it, still love @realDonaldTrump, eat me.
— $42K in 2019-2020. Its coming, OK?⚡️ (@markfinelli) August 17, 2019
What a hero !!
— Preza miskovic (@Preza68m) August 17, 2019
That attitude will surely bring us all together
— JMQ (@jmquinn31419) August 17, 2019
Genuine question. What if a black woman is wearing it? Or a gay guy? Or an immigrant?
— matthew marsden (@matthewdmarsden) August 17, 2019
Or better yet a Latino like myself.
— Jason Gutierrez (@jgutierrez56) August 17, 2019
So brave
— Daniel (@anarchy_dot_gov) August 17, 2019
I don't wear political hats of any kind but you sound a bit unhinged, sir. Seems to be a trend among a particular demographic these days.
You may go back to your programming now.
— Joey Bags (@3mta37) August 17, 2019
Every time I see a post like this, I think of a pre-schooler throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of class because he didn't get his way.
— PittsburghSportsZone (@Brian_HarkerPSZ) August 17, 2019
And they will laugh at you
— Dan Gainor (@dangainor) August 17, 2019
I doubt you'd actually say that to me.
— Rich Colley (@RichColleyII) August 17, 2019
Cognitive Distortions 101.
Class please observe this gentleman. This is what it looks like in real life.
— blue checkmarked checkmark (@IlIRyanDWIIl) August 17, 2019
— Billyboceephus (@Rabidkujo) August 17, 2019
That’ll teach ‘em. pic.twitter.com/DVav1svfeP
— dubs (@mrbigdubya) August 17, 2019
— Gabrielle Seltzer (@GabySeltzer) August 17, 2019
Big man. pic.twitter.com/Toio1OWFj8
— TommyHour?? (@thomashourigan1) August 17, 2019
Wow. They have group sessions for anger management. Take one.
— Mike Dollins (@MikeDollins) August 17, 2019
Wishing you a #walkaway from the hatred in your heart❤️
— Taryn (@jane_taryn) August 17, 2019
I’ll take things that won’t happen for $1000 Alex.
— Ben Osenbaugh (@Frozenbaugh) August 17, 2019
Tough guy behind his keyboard. pic.twitter.com/gYE3hnmbaM
— THUNDERLIPS (@AlmightyGrumpy) August 17, 2019
Save some chicks for the rest of us
— Longhorn Demetre (@datessis) August 17, 2019
Do you even hear yourself? https://t.co/aBEaUvd1uF
— The H2 (@TheH2) August 17, 2019
SAD! ThinkProgress writer had to unfriend high school pal over MAGA hat https://t.co/21xdmBmD7m
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) July 7, 2019
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