It was last year when country star Eric Church decided to take a broad swipe at the NRA, telling Rolling Stone after the mass shooting at a country concert in Las Vegas, “We could have stopped the guy in Vegas … I blame the lobbyists. And the biggest in the gun world is the NRA.”
Once again, we’d tend to blame the guy in the hotel room pulling the trigger and not the millions of members of the NRA.
Now Grammy-award winning country star Kasey Musgraves is giving her two cents on guns, and note that like so many others, she softens her desire for gun confiscation with the fact that she grew up around hunting and guns.
Let me be clear – I’m from Texas. I grew up around hunting and guns. There’s a time and place for that and even self protection in ways..but this is different. The system is majorly flawed and NOBODY NEEDS ANYTHING REMOTELY AUTOMATIC. PERIOD. They’re mass killing machines.
— K A C E Y M U S G R A V E S (@KaceyMusgraves) August 5, 2019
Once again, the right to bear arms was not written into the Bill of Rights so people could hunt, and as far as people calling for a ban on “assault weapons” and “military-style” firearms, we have to note we’ve never heard a call for a ban on “anything remotely automatic.” Does semi-automatic count? We’re betting it does; and if it doesn’t, Musgraves really doesn’t have a lot to worry about.
— Princess of Whales (@corrcomm) August 5, 2019
People can’t just go out and purchase fully automatic firearms. They’re NFA items and regulated to the point of being banned.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) August 5, 2019
Last time I looked into buying an M16 they were selling for around $30,000. No thanks.
— Stringfellow Hawke (@GobsofTexas) August 5, 2019
More to the point, automatic weapons are tightly controlled. Federal registration, ATF prior approval, transfer tax, etc. Plus, they cost as much as a car.
So maybe learn a bit before you scream about it.
— Alex Furlong (@RoombaWithAView) August 5, 2019
So what you're saying is even ppl in Texas can be complete idiots about guns too?
Fully automatic weapons have been illegal since like the 1930's.— Redneccer than you (@Whaturthinking3) August 5, 2019
People to dumb to know that. Only a few know that.
— ⚔️The Nuts and Bolts⚔️ (@SpaceForceDroid) August 5, 2019
For real! People don't understand what a Class 3 weapons permit is. They think we can just go and buy HK MP5's at Walmart and grab a silencer from Home Depot. Don't forget the Frag Grenades at the back of Aisle 11
— AzRepublican (@phusonAz) August 5, 2019
Wait until liberals find out about what laws they want to put in place NOW is tough to do when they already exist… You would be amazed at how many people I talk to on here have no clue background checks exist and you can't buy machine guns or full auto w/o a class 3 license…
— daniel j. williams (@fins71) August 5, 2019
Regulated to the point of banned?
I wonder how many times fully automatic weapons get used in mass shootings?
Almost never, you say?
— FireDonaldTrump??? (@FireTrumpToday) August 5, 2019
Virtually no one can legally get anything automatic.
— James Hicks (@JamesWHicks) August 5, 2019
Kacey, you are seriously misinformed. It is basically impossible to legally purchase or own a fully automatic weapon in the USA. The shootings are heinously evil but they are the fault of the mentally unhinged shooter, not the gun.
— William Moll (@william_moll) August 5, 2019
Automatic firearms have virtually been banned since Congress passed the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986. No crime has been committed with the used of an automatic firearm since the 1930s.
— Molly Prince (@mollyfprince) August 5, 2019
The danger here, Dana, is not so much in the idea of the Automatic Weapon, but in the Anything Remotely Automatic idea. How easy is the skip over to Semi-auto then?
— René Saldaña, Jr. (@ReneSaldanaJr) August 5, 2019
What is "remotely automatic" though?
— Adam Fisher (@Adamfisher31297) August 5, 2019
“Remotely automatic”
Da fuq does that mean?
— Infinite Dreams (@7thSon1988) August 5, 2019
Guys. You are not helping when you continue to display basic gun ignorance. There's nothing remotely automatic about any of these guns. They all work the same way. Pull the trigger one time, one bullet comes out.
— wifiler (@WiFiler) August 5, 2019
Lost argument when they don’t even know what they are talking about.
— David (@deerhunterinGA) August 5, 2019
You’re uninformed young lady. Do some homework before spewing your opinions.
— Michael (@Michael38332797) August 5, 2019
Clear as … mud ✔️
— @d0u6 (@DougDueck) August 5, 2019
And @KaceyMusgraves Modern Sporting Rifles (AR) are the gun of choice to combat all the feral hogs in Texas.
— Kent Summers (@azroofer1) August 5, 2019
Flow chart for mass shooting:
Shooting happens
Democrats demand unrealistic gun legislation to ban guns
Republicans explain that this would be unconstitutional
Democrats demand unrealistic gun legislation to ban guns
Nothing is done
Rinse & Repeat`— Mr & Mrs Smith (@2Smithd) August 5, 2019
Let’s be clear, I grew up in NJ where it takes 30 days to get a purchase permit, a CCW is all but impossible & open carry doesn’t exist.
You don’t get to determine what anyone else “needs”.— Cole (@ColeFGL) August 5, 2019
OOPSIE DAISY! Alyssa Milano’s tweet wasn’t the DUNK on American gun owners she thought it was and ROFL
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) August 5, 2019
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