You might remember that soon after Tom Perez was made the new Democrat Party chair, he went on a “Come Together and Fight Back” tour with Bernie Sanders to unite the party, and that’s when he made it clear that the DNC would not be providing any financial backing to candidates who were pro-life.
“Every Democrat, like every American, should support a woman’s right to make her own choices about her body and her health,” he said. “That is not negotiable and should not change city by city or state by state.”
2020 hopeful Kirsten Gillibrand, currently polling at 0 percent, also called for an abortion litmus test after the chair of the DCCC said they’d be open to funding the campaigns of pro-life candidates.
So Rolling Stone senior writer Jamil Smith is not happy that pro-lifers have managed to sneak under their big tent and poison the brand.
Louisiana’s governor wants to sign the state’s new bill banning abortion after only six weeks of pregnancy. He’s a Democrat. So is the woman who sponsored the bill. This is what the party gets for welcoming in folks willing to force births to stay elected.
— Jamil Smith (@JamilSmith) May 30, 2019
Willing to force births. An interesting description of having a baby.
— mikevolpe (@mikevolpe) May 30, 2019
Plenty of people in the comments are saying their only other choice was to vote for the Republican candidate, who certainly would have signed the legislation into law. Others are saying this:
— Jean Deny (@JeanDeny313) May 30, 2019
A black democratic woman sponsored this bill. So many ironies. Let's make sure that is also noted.
— *Starlene* (@bklynblkorchid) May 30, 2019
— Gracie Raw (@Gracie_Raw) May 30, 2019
I fully support any and all attempts to rid the Democratic Party of electable candidates.
— Eric Spencer (@JustEric) May 30, 2019
Either you want these officials, and the voters they represent, in your party, or you don't. (Republicans tolerate a *lot* of variance of opinion on the issue from state to state.) If you want them out, you are free to act on that openly.
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) May 30, 2019
We in the Republican-voting coalition would be all too happy to take these voters off your hands.
— D.E. (@tkdylan) May 30, 2019
So you'd rather Louisiana had elected David Vitter?
— Alex Welch (@awelch744) May 30, 2019
— Birth of a Lawyer (@BirthofaLawyer) May 30, 2019
Shorter @JamilSmith: "Those who don't want children killed in utero have no place whatsoever in the Democratic Party."
— Josh Hammer (@josh_hammer) May 30, 2019
You don't live in Louisiana.
I do. Feel free to pound sand. Although our governor is a Democrat, he can see the writing on the wall that you're willfully ignoring.
You're "on the wrong side of history."
We're protecting innocent life down here on the bayou.
— Gordon Shuckrow III (@GordonShuckrow3) May 30, 2019
Have you bothered to look into why John Edwards is pro-life? It has nothing to do with controlling women, and everything to do with his wife and daughter.
— Dagan K (@dagank4) May 30, 2019
*laughs in secure Senate majority*
— Kayla Elizabeth (@VixenRogue) May 30, 2019
lol @ "welcoming in" as if there weren't any pro-life Democrats before recently.
Dems have been forcing them out as quickly as possible. And losing elections, btw. The two are linked.
— Jason Hornbuckle (@JasonHornbuckle) May 30, 2019
Exactly: Democrats haven’t been letting them in; they were always there, and now they’ve been purging them by supporting more and more extreme legislation like that they cheered in New York. (Remember when Gov. Andrew Cuomo ordered that the spire at One World Trade Center be lit up pink to celebrate New York’s passage of a new law that allows for late-term abortions?)
I'm confused:
I thought no women thought this way, and yet we have ANOTHER female writing this law???
Also, we have a man here weighing in with his opinion, and we have been told males have no say on the matter. It's like NOTHING we have been told hold true!— Brad Slager – Under The Top ? ??? (@MartiniShark) May 30, 2019
Litmus Tests are cool again.
— Ben (@AndStrats) May 30, 2019
Cant wait till you purity test them and lose more seats
— Christopher Kinney (@C_kinney_CC) May 30, 2019
Uh oh. Someone has strayed from the ideological plantation. Round up the hounds and light the fires!
— Small Batch (@Herostratus19) May 30, 2019
Old and broken: a diverse, big tent party that welcomes various points of view on complicated issues.
New hotness: These people have no place among us.
— Tevye the Dairyman (@TheRoofFiddler) May 30, 2019
yup. rid your party of all pro-lifers. also, your support for the newest LGBTQ positions means you are going to have to throw the feminists out soon too. it isn't easy maintaining a party of disparate grievance groups.
— Patrick Reilly (@PatrickReilly01) May 30, 2019
Way to cry like a total bitch.
— Anaximander (@Anaximander136) May 30, 2019
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