It looks like Joe Biden is going to manage to brush off all the hair-sniffing and neck-nuzzling complaints from those #MeToo types, and he’ll probably jump into the race next week, where he’ll find himself neck-and-neck with Bernie Sanders. Two rich old white men it is!
As Twitchy reported, Sanders recently told an audience that if you write a best-selling book, you can be a millionaire too. As we also reported, liberal ThinkProgress put out a hit video on YouTube called “Bernie’s millionaire problem,” which led an NBC News reporter to admit that the word millionaire does have a “general ickiness” about it.
It turns out Sanders’ millionaire problem is a real thing and it’s following him around on the campaign trail:
Bernie Sanders speaks in Gary, IN: "I didn't know that it was a crime to write a good book, which turned out to be a best seller."
— The Hill (@thehill) April 13, 2019
It’s not a crime to run a successful business….
— EducatëdHillbilly™ (@RobProvince) April 13, 2019
And there’s nothing “icky” about the word “millionaire” either. But Sanders is not supposed to be a millionaire socialist with three homes.
Being rich is fine. Being a hypocrite less so.
— Dennis DiClaudio (@dennisdiclaudio) April 13, 2019
That’s what I meant to say..
— Susan Young Baker (@susanyb60) April 13, 2019
Is he on a book tour, or a campaign?
— Alan Cosgrove (@fantasypolitics) April 13, 2019
He doth protest too much.
— JB Von Preysing (@JBVonPreysing) April 13, 2019
That wasn’t the crime #Bernie. It was holding back the amount of money that you made from your book. Is that why you are holding back your taxes?
— Paula Lockhart (@PaulaLockhart4) April 13, 2019
*and then not redistributing the money like I demand everyone else do
— Jester (@quaintjester) April 13, 2019
He can’t complain about suffering as a result of a climate he helped create. This is one of the many reasons I’m less than enthusiastic about possibly having to vote for Bernie.
— britton ballard (@brittballard) April 13, 2019
"It's different when it's MY millions and three homes"
— Uncle Crumpty (@UncleCrumpty) April 13, 2019
Next up: Sanders joking that of course he took every possible tax break and shelter, and didn’t pay tax, but he’ll change those laws. ?
— PoliticalModerate (@PoliticalModer1) April 13, 2019
Not a crime & Bernie can give it all away if he likes – I doubt he will. Just leave MY money alone.
— Paul Morelli (@PaulOPinion) April 13, 2019
But evidently it's a crime to be a successful business owner, punished by an almost 90% tax in the Bernie system
— William (@LastWordWilliam) April 13, 2019
It isn't a crime. Being squirrelly about your tax returns since 2016 does make people suspicious of you, though.
— Rob Montague (@trilingual1946) April 13, 2019
How many were sold on Amazon? Your favorite target? Agreed it’s not a crime – stop treating it like it is
— David Craig (@4thecenter) April 13, 2019
Except when you sell it on amazon-who you have been attacking for years. #Berniethehypocrite
— Dee #GlovesOff #Democrat (@Deemoney521) April 13, 2019
A book despicably marketed and sold by suffering, underpaid book store and Amazon workers.
— Big Apple Infidel ? (@BigAppleInfidel) April 13, 2019
That's funny I got mine at Barnes & Noble
— AzMomma (@jilliansw) April 13, 2019
Oh, well that's a worker's paradise.
— Jeff Fecke (@jkfecke) April 13, 2019
Sam Walton, somewhere: “I didn’t know it was a crime to start a retail business, which turned out to be wildly successful.”
— Steven Polanco (@sjp2010) April 13, 2019
'You didn't write that book Bernie. Somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere. Somebody helped to create this American system that we have. If there's a book with your name on it, you didn’t write that. Somebody else made that happen.'
— CharlestonSC (@CharlestonSC294) April 13, 2019
What a hypocrite. Unreal.
— Janet Webb (@JanetETennessee) April 13, 2019
Oh, stop whining, Senator. It’s unbecoming.
— Stabby Spice (@KathleenSoprano) April 13, 2019
It's funny how convenient capitalism can be to a socialist when there's money to be made.
— John Doiron and 437 others (@jfd1965) April 13, 2019
@SenSanders just show us your taxes. You aren't cute. You aren't honest. You aren't a Democrat. You haven't gotten anything done in all your years in the Senate. I see no reason to vote for you. Didn't last time either
— Celeste Dyer (@doctorwhoviana) April 13, 2019
Sit down old man, you’re the 1% and always have been
— bobbied100 (@bobbied100) April 13, 2019
It’s not a crime. But, you not revealing your taxes make it seem like you think it is… ? Who else do we know who hides skeletons in their taxes and has promised for years to release them, while swearing repeatedly that there’s nothing in them? You’re out Bernie, you’re out…
— Corey?Reynolds (@coreyreynoldsLA) April 13, 2019
Except you were the person railing against the creation of millionaires for five decades. You were the person saying this very thing. That millionaires are evil. No one but you.
— ?️?Lisa Talmadge ??️? (@LisaTalmadge) April 13, 2019
It’s all about taking advantage of your position in the Senate; everyone profits from being a politician. However, a true socialist like @BernieSanders donates 100% back to a government program and lives a spartan existence.
— RAWHIDE0302?? (@RAAFROMTEXAS) April 13, 2019
If you will notice Grandpa Sanders has changed his rhetoric from “millionaires and billionaires to just “billionaires now. He is a total fraud and most everyone knows it.
— LeftOutLoud #TeamPelosi (@mslindanash) April 13, 2019
I want your money. Redistribute it my way, Sparky.
— Charles X Proxy (@Charlemagne0814) April 13, 2019
At least it can be said that as a #Socialist, #BernieSanders KNOWS what is good for everybody else.
"All you have to do to be a millionaire is write a book. No excuses for being poor anymore!"
"If poor people would write a book, there'd be no poverty."
— Democrat National Agenda (@WinstonDNA) April 13, 2019
If all of those poor Venezuelans wrote bestsellers they wouldn’t be eating out of garbage trucks now, would they?
Reporter doesn’t understand hit on Bernie Sanders aside from ‘general ickiness’ about the word ‘millionaire’
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) April 12, 2019
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