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SAD! Check out this couple that makes $500,000 but has only $7,300 left each year

CNBC did a piece a year ago (but retweeted it Tuesday) that seems to be making the case that a couple can make $500,000 a year and yet still feel “average.” We’re not sure of the point — are we supposed to empathize with them? Point out how reckless their spending is? What?


Maybe this will make some sense:

Americans are falling short when it comes to saving. Even some families earning six-figures have little to no savings.

As the example of one New York City couple shows, you and your partner could be making $500,000 a year and still end up with very little besides 401(k) money.

Sam Dogen of “Financial Samurai” breaks down the budget of two New York City-based spouses, each of whom makes $250,000 a year as a lawyer. They’re 35 years old and they have two young children. “This one couple shared their story and I decided to anonymously highlight their reported expenses,” Dogen tells CNBC Make It, with a focus on why they end up feeling “average” even though they’re such high earners.

As Dogen puts it, they’re effectively “scraping by,” in part because they’re still living “paycheck-to-paycheck,” despite their generous salaries.

You know, socialism could really take a load off their minds by taking all that income and distributing it for them. Maybe that’s the point?

Anyway, here’s their budget:





Just another “average” American family scraping by.


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