The Deputy Director of ICE wasn’t happy Monday to hear that Democrats want to put a cap on the number of beds in detention centers, forcing ICE to release criminal aliens in their custody because of a lack of room.
On Monday evening, Sen. Bob Menendez defended the cap to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, explaining that the real problem isn’t a lack of beds but the fact that President Trump has “criminalized” everything from crossing the border illegally to driving under the influence while an illegal alien.
And forget that “asylum” smokescreen — you apply for asylum at a port of entry, not after you’ve crossed into the country illegally and been detained.
Democrat Senator Bob Menendez suggests that illegal aliens who have been convicted on DUI charges should not be thought of as criminals and should not face jail time
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) February 11, 2019
It’s outrageous that President Trump believes being an illegal immigrant behind the wheel while intoxicated is a “crime.”
He misspoke, he means that DUI is not a federal crime. Anyone convicted of DUI is subject to state laws but what the probem is that ICE now takes jurisdiction now the federal government is responsible for detaining that person
— Dr. Peter NIncompoop (@DrNincompoop) February 12, 2019
He misspoke? Well then, the Washington Post Fact-Checker should intervene and put an end to this kerfuffle.
Uhhh because both are breaking laws. Only Trump can make people who break laws criminals? How do these politicians come up with this nonsense?
— Joe Scheler (@JoeScheler) February 12, 2019
Would this apply to American citizens as well? Should we ignore laws,when that illegal hurts or kills someone while driving drunk?
— cynthia burns (@pastorcab) February 12, 2019
Why do Dems always want to give criminal illegals better treatment than actual Americans would face under the same circumstances?
Why treat the worst of immigrant pool better than those who are trying to do it right?
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) February 12, 2019
Good to know when I get my first DUI.
— edgiesversion (@edgiesversion) February 12, 2019
So if I as U.S. citizen get pulled over for DUI then I should just claim I identify as an illegal alien and drive off
— Jim Holzgen (@jimholz13) February 12, 2019
“Sanctuary car, baby!”
Why should drunken illegals get a break?
— Roger and 27 others (@Roger247) February 12, 2019
Because they’re only here in search of a better life for their families, that’s why.
So that seems weird……an American justice system discriminating against it's own people and showing favour towards illegal aliens. Hmmm, we must be living on the Upside-Down Planet.
— Michaela Taylor (@MichaelaJTaylor) February 12, 2019
Ever been to traffic court in North Jersey? The illegals flee the scene of their drunken accidents, eventually getting cited for that & not DUI. Then they plea it down to not reporting an accident, getting a fine of about $250.
— Whores and Headlocks (@whoresheadlocks) February 12, 2019
If they don't have a license, another fine & 6 month wait if they ever try to get one.
— Whores and Headlocks (@whoresheadlocks) February 12, 2019
Senator Menendez wants to violate the 14th Amendment rights of all American citizens by saying illegals can get DUI's.
— Steve Bartin (@stevebartin) February 11, 2019
Driving while Under the Influence is the definition of a crime
— Jeremy Mckee (@jmckee6) February 12, 2019
Really unbelievable ?
— Donald E. Powers (@DonaldEPowers) February 11, 2019
Omg, so sick of the absurdity …..
— PerceiveTheTruth (@castanevileye) February 12, 2019
I feel like I am in a constant loop of The Emperor Has No Clothes. They say things that are blatantly false and treat them as truth or call true thing absolutely false. And NEVER get called for it. Mind blowing
— john76065 (@john76065) February 12, 2019
— Alonso Vaquerano (@AlonsDa5Pointr) February 12, 2019
The left’s extreme views are pretty transparent. I, for one, appreciate that it’s all out in the open.
— Tenacious_0504 (@tenacious_0504) February 12, 2019
Convicted…. so they broke the law right?
— candikahne (@candikahne) February 12, 2019
What is Bob Menendez's definition of illegal?
— Christian Smith (@christianlsmith) February 12, 2019
What? What is wrong with these people? The more these people talk the more likely Trump wins in 2020. This is unbelievable.
— Big Paulie (@BIGpaulie913) February 12, 2019
The party is officially lost. They even know they are selling out but they rather have power than push back against their radical base.
— Daniel Arreola (@daniel_health) February 12, 2019
Illegal immigrant deported 15 times seriously injures 6-year-old in DUI hit-and-run
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) May 10, 2017
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