This is one of those situations where we usually don’t feature a Twitter rando but the tweet is just so good that it really needs a larger airing.
It’s also instructive because it shows just how malleable the idea of “rich” is — to the point where Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Elizabeth Warren sell their massive tax hikes with the caveat that only the “tippy-top” will be affected.
Also, the kid’s bio says he’s from Canada, so figure in exchange rates and all that.
Hello to everyone who makes $60,000+ /year
You should pay more tax, and the fact that you don't condemns millions of you fellow citizens to unnecessary poverty.
Have a nice day
— Nate Diorio (@DIorioNathaniel) January 24, 2019
This is not how an economy works.
— Strahan Cadell (@Sartor1836) January 24, 2019
Do you have kids?
— Daniel Hudgin (@ScopeHockey) January 24, 2019
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say single.
— Adam (@TeamAdam76) January 24, 2019
Wow guys. Such rational counterpoints. I'm totally gonna reconsider my position now.
— Nate Diorio (@DIorioNathaniel) January 24, 2019
It's a question, not a counterpoint.
— Daniel Hudgin (@ScopeHockey) January 24, 2019
No Im 23 I don't have kids.
— Nate Diorio (@DIorioNathaniel) January 24, 2019
Ok. If/When you have kids and appreciate the cost of buying them clothes, healthy food, and a few activities, I'll be curious to know if your view changes. I earn significantly more than 60k now but have way less wiggle room financially than I had pre-kids when I earned 50k.
— Daniel Hudgin (@ScopeHockey) January 24, 2019
No doubt. But the fact is, a lot of people have kids, and most aren't as financially well off as you.
— Nate Diorio (@DIorioNathaniel) January 24, 2019
I've invested a lot of time and money into my human capital so that I could earn more money to put fresh food on the table for my kids instead of processed crap. No one would have any incentize to better their careers if they had to give a ridiculous amount of it away.
— Daniel Hudgin (@ScopeHockey) January 24, 2019
The biggest driver of unnecessary poverty is having children out of wedlock. Taxes have very little to do with it. Receiving benefits from the government won't get anyone out of poverty and was never designed to
— DelawhereNow? (@jamiemoulthrop) January 24, 2019
Giving poor people money will get them out of poverty by definition
— Nate Diorio (@DIorioNathaniel) January 24, 2019
Yeah, the war on poverty in the U.S. has been a resounding success.
Isn't that the median family income?
— Hot-Fingers Peroni (@HFPeroni) January 24, 2019
For families, not for individuals
— Nate Diorio (@DIorioNathaniel) January 24, 2019
$60k a year is not a lot of money anywhere and below poverty where I live.
— Kenneth Bruno (@KSBruno9) January 24, 2019
If you earn $60,000 a year in California, you are barely above poverty level.
— Slovydal (@Slovydal) January 24, 2019
Help me understand that when $60k is way under AMI in many urban areas in the U.S.??????
— Mike Jacobs (@MikeJacobs_NEF) January 24, 2019
This is a joke right?
— elizabeth (@elizpingree) January 24, 2019
— Nate Diorio (@DIorioNathaniel) January 24, 2019
I'm curious; how did you get exactly $60,000/yr? Why not, say, $61,382/yr?
— NoodleLatte (@NoodleLatte) January 24, 2019
I think ppl are focused too much on the 60k number. I'm really talking about individuals in the 80k-250k range
— Nate Diorio (@DIorioNathaniel) January 24, 2019
Ah, it’s a sliding scale! Just like the government. They don’t mean you, just the “tippy-top” — those making $80K to $250K.
I pay $1,000 a month in taxes. So if you make $60k you really only get to keep $48k.
Tell me what the government is not doing with this money that is condemning millions to poverty and why you think they need more of mine.
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) January 24, 2019
This is silly
— TEXAS AF!/Nationalist ?? (@Troy75801) January 24, 2019
My income and another’s poverty has a correlation factor of zero
— Bellz (@_HellzBellz) January 25, 2019
Bwahaha! Look at me; I'm a left leaning university student who has yet to contribute one shred of value to society yet I'll dictate what other people should contribute because of my skewed perspective of reality! If you disagree, you're just another greedy upper middle class ass!
— Trev Bouds (@TrevBouds) January 24, 2019
Dude's profile says his political leaning is "center left". With how extreme the left is today, even with a crazy proposition like this, "center left" is probably accurate
— T Kov (@TKO_v2) January 24, 2019
Him wanting to take your money is compassionate.
You wanting to keep your money is greedy.
— Resting Smirkface ? (@RestNSmirkface) January 24, 2019
How would me earning a paycheck stop you from earning your own?
Oh! I forgot. You want to live off 1/2 my check so you can or have to earn one.
You poor thing.
Have a great day
— jeffswarens (@jeffswarens) January 24, 2019
Btw, not ONE single poor person's income goes up when you tax people who make $60,000+ a year more.
— RBe (@RBPundit) January 24, 2019
23 years old. This is our next generation, folks. "Work harder and give me your money, so I don't have to"
— Yellow Labs ?? (@MarcExec) January 25, 2019
Fk that! Bc i work hard and put in hours and figure out ways to have more than one source of income? I should have to pay more for someone who doesn’t put in the study time, hrs, hard work, effort, blood, and sweat like i do? What kind of stupid logic is this?!
— joe (@JoeySparkz17) January 24, 2019
Bullshit. Why don't you go work in a soup kitchen instead of running your idiot mouth on twitter? Or maybe you could do some volunteer vocational rehab to help make those folks more marketable.
I work my ass off for the money I make, and I'll decide who gets a piece of it.
— Justin (@i_wont_obey) January 24, 2019
I served in the Marines, got the GI Bill & still had to work my way thru college.
Everything I have & receive has been earned.
I’m not giving it away for free to the Govt.
I give enough to charity as it is.
Work for what you want in life.— Beersaint (@USMC_Razorback) January 24, 2019
Jealousy is unbecoming.
— Tech-FAQ (@tech_faq) January 24, 2019
Good luck. Life is gonna hit you hard. Hope you’re up for the challenge.
— Sean Walker (@RSeanWalker) January 24, 2019
Elizabeth Warren's new plan to fight wealth inequality is 'FLAT-OUT un-American' (and unconstitutional)
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) January 24, 2019
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