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Check out these examples of The Forward 'exposing' anti-Semitism in the Women's March

It was only a couple of weeks ago that Tablet ran its lengthy and extensively researched piece on the Women’s March, arguing that anti-Semitism was baked into the leadership from the organization’s very first meeting:


It was there that, as the women were opening up about their backgrounds and personal investments in creating a resistance movement to Trump, [Carmen] Perez and [Tamika] Mallory allegedly first asserted that Jewish people bore a special collective responsibility as exploiters of black and brown people — and even, according to a close secondhand source, claimed that Jews were proven to have been leaders of the American slave trade.

That Tablet piece shook up a lot of people who were already starting to distance themselves from the Women’s March for its refusal to simply denounce rabid anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan — even activist Alyssa Milano said she was bowing out of the next Women’s March until things changed at the top.

Now, Hen Mazzig, an Israeli based in Tel Aviv, is taking a sledgehammer to The Forward’s claim that they’d been reporting on anti-Semitism in the Women’s March all year long, and he brought receipts in the form of screenshots:

See, The Forward, unlike Tablet, is “woke.”

If you can’t see that whole screenshot, it’s a piece called, “Lay off Linda Sarsour.”


This one’s called, “Linda Sarsour Is Not Our Enemy.”

“Jewish Women Must Stand with Our Sister Linda Sarsour.”

So Tablet ended up publishing “As a Queer Jew of Color, I Find Tamika Mallory’s Latest Comments Particularly Heartbreaking” because The Forward was worried about it not coming from an American but an Israeli … problematic.


Conservatives pounce, even here!

There’s those right-wingers pouncing again.

Just for fun we checked in on The Forward’s twitter feed, and even today they’re excusing the Women’s March leadership, saying sure, they’ve made mistakes, but they’re the real victims:

So asking the Women’s March to denounce Louis Farrakhan is racist, Islamophobic, and more toxic than the Women’s March’s anti-Semitism?




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