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Member of mob that harassed Tucker Carlson's wife at home tells ThinkProgress 'what actually happened'

If you’ll remember a little earlier this week, we were wondering if it was worth giving Smash Racism DC a “signal boost” by including their tweets in a post here on Twitchy. In the end, we did post their tweets so their words could be captured here even if the tweets were deleted or scrubbed by Twitter.


A sample of the rhetoric as they gathered at Tucker Carlson’s front door: “Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!” “Racist scumbag, leave town!” “Tonight you’re reminded that we have a voice. Tonight, we remind you that you are not safe either.” Oh, and the anarchist classic, “No borders! No walls! No USA at all!”

It looks like ThinkProgress didn’t think twice about giving one of the members of that mob a platform to describe “what actually happened” — you know, the stuff that happened in the videos they posted to Twitter that we all saw?

The narrative is that what they did was no big deal (fewer than 15 people) and has certainly been blown out of proportion by conservative media.

Alan Pyke writes:

The incident, video of which was taken offline shortly after being posted, has prompted an aisle-crossing outcry – fueled in part by Carlson’s own significant embellishments of what occurred while he wasn’t home. I was there for the entirety of the 10-minute demonstration, and can report in detail what actually happened.

A group numbering 13 or 14 protesters trailed by four protest observers, some in the bright green hats often worn by trained First Amendment legal observers when monitoring police-protester interactions, walked up Carlson’s street just after dark on Wednesday.

Another protester read a brief statement through an amplifying device, then led the group in a series of chants against Carlson’s habitual promotion of white supremacist ideology and xenophobia on his Fox News program. Some of the chants included the refrain “we know where you sleep at night.” At multiple points, a chant broke down despite the rhythm-track efforts of a protester with a tambourine.

“We’ll be back! We won’t tell you when!” the group chanted as it moved away from the house. Those carrying signs left them in the front yard bushes and other benign locations on the front of the property as they went.

One straggler from the group then stopped, put a backpack on the ground, and retrieved a can of spray paint from it. As that straggler began to graffiti the anarchist A symbol on the Carlsons’ driveway, at least two members of the group walking away expressed dismay with their fellow traveler.


That was nice that two of the “protesters” objected to spray-painting the anarchy symbol on Carlson’s driveway. So thoughtful.

So, it’s all good then?




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