An interesting tidbit from CNN, where Philip Mudd serves as a counterterrorism analyst: back in 2005, at the establishment of the FBI’s National Security Branch, then-FBI Director Robert Mueller appointed Mudd to serve as the branch’s first-ever deputy director, so we know he and Mueller go back.
He retired as the FBI’s senior intelligence adviser, and on Monday he told CNN’s Anderson Cooper he’s waiting for “almost a shadow government” to come out and say, “We can’t side with the government.”
Ryan Saavedra of The Daily Wire has the video clip.
CNN analyst Philip Mudd pushes for a "shadow government" to oppose the Trump administration and the Senate.
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) July 16, 2018
Hmm … the emergence of a shadow government. Interesting … in theory, of course.
You mean the one that’s already opposing him?
— Samantha Owen (@samanthaowen008) July 16, 2018
Obama already has that covered
— Super Elite "C" (@cdp509) July 16, 2018
He means another one right?
— Deke Appelgate (@dekeappelgate) July 16, 2018
You mean they want another one? Obama/Hillary/Brennan/Clapper and Comey isn't enough?
— Dan Garrison (@iamjumpingin) July 16, 2018
He's acknowledging a shadow government, it's called Deep State.
— Mark Woodard (@mark_woodard) July 16, 2018
We already have one. It's called the deep state.
— Bill Nappier (@NapTx03) July 16, 2018
Isn’t that the definition of the deep state ?
— Paul (@PaulHar91437171) July 16, 2018
the shadow government that doesn't exist needs to step out of the shadows and assert itself even though it doesn't exist 'cause ya know the shadow govt/deep state is a conspiracy theory.
— Full Spectrum Domino (@fullspecdomino) July 16, 2018
— Kerry Picket (@KerryPicket) July 16, 2018
Not a parliamentary system, pundit hysterics notwithstanding.
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) July 16, 2018
Let me get this straight, this meathead is openly saying, that the elected help need their "non elected betters" to steer the ship? I bet this is exactly what the founding fathers thought we needed. Just the idea that government is so bloated, that such a thing is real, is awful.
— Truth Maximus (@Liquadate) July 16, 2018
Someone get him the memo. There exists a shadow goverment (Globalists and Marxists) and deep state (bureaucrats and >9,000 SES) actively working to overthrow a democratically elected president. Mudd pie needs to pull his head out of his A double snake.
— Thomas Baker #MAGAVeteran*** (@ThomasBakerUSMC) July 16, 2018
They say insane stuff like this then run around thinking they're somehow more rational and reasonable than Trump.
Uh, no.
— Damn, I'm smirky. (@corrcomm) July 16, 2018
Don’t they already have that in place? It’s the MSM… not working too well for them thankfully.
— BostonRob (@BostonRob1776) July 16, 2018
He's calling for sedition it seems.
— LastKingofScotland (@KingofLast) July 16, 2018
THIS is treason. But because it’s on CNN no one’s likely to notice.
— Straight White Male ?? (@FreeWhiteMale) July 16, 2018
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