TAP Alerts brags in its Twitter bio that it’s blocked by @realDonaldTrump, and also that it offers “the latest breaking alerts 24/7.”
So, exactly what kind of breaking alerts can we expect? Well, here’s a map the account posted showing the location of planned, spontaneous protests across the nation were President Trump to fire either Robert Mueller or Rod Rosenstein.
There sure are a lot of big blue circles on that map, but the tweet left a lot of people asking …
— AgainstTrumpDude (@TheAmishDude) April 19, 2018
"spontaneous" https://t.co/wq0YGqX4Nb
— Beard and Circus (@Shooter_ptpx01) April 19, 2018
"spontaneous protests have been planned" ? https://t.co/K9Aqv8oI7S
— Just Karl (@justkarl) April 19, 2018
"Spontaneous protests have been planned" ? https://t.co/TOF6m3zFQf
— Pouncing Baptist (@PeculiarBaptist) April 19, 2018
[ Spontaneously planned protests. It's just crazy enough to be crazy. ] https://t.co/tbzXUkTjS3
— Ben Shapiro Quotes (@BenShapQuotes) April 19, 2018
I don't think spontaneous means what you think it means. https://t.co/2NQ9GKWcw8
— Lady Hecate (@Hecate40) April 19, 2018
The words "spontaneous" and "planned" are opposites. https://t.co/6DSRUuiOKU
— Gritty Travis (@OldManTravis) April 19, 2018
Spontaneous (adj.): Performed or occuring as a result of impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus https://t.co/VL3T8lKRz8
— Mo Mo (@molratty) April 19, 2018
Words having meaning is an outdated concept. https://t.co/9or0GZ01v9
— bdunbar (@bdunbar) April 19, 2018
Must be a parody account. https://t.co/YPI8hDnCxA
— Robert Novak (@gallifreyan) April 19, 2018
Apparently planned protests are what the left considers "spontaneous." cc: @ProgressNowCO #copolitics #coleg https://t.co/Ak3GI3xwyK
— Casey Biemiller (@cbiemiller) April 19, 2018
Wow the power of grassroots is amazing y'all! ? https://t.co/WObd2nnk4K
— Type to print more money (@ListenHereJimbo) April 19, 2018
Yep, people in all of those circles are going to rush out of their homes and into the streets — spontaneously — the minute word gets out that Trump has fired either Mueller or Rosenstein. Imagine their surprise when they see all the neighbors doing exactly the same thing and — Shazam! — it’s a protest!
We know it’s from back when The Resistance thought Trump would fire Mueller on Christmas Eve, but these tips always give us a good laugh … so spontaneous!
A few helpful hints:
Memorize important contacts
You need a solar charger, a headlamp, a bail fund
Set an off-site meeting time & place with your crew
Someone stays at that place while you march
That person administrates your bail
Tomorrow: Dress for the street https://t.co/bUToXWK5Bn
— Gussie's Guide (@gussieherself) December 17, 2017
Pretend district attorney Sam Waterston ready to take to the streets if Rod Rosenstein is fired https://t.co/dlCtEkqSdg
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) April 17, 2018
George Takei looking for MASSIVE and SUSTAINED protests if Mueller's fired https://t.co/1Kpc2ci4wN
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) December 17, 2017
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