Everyone knows that both Hillary Clinton’s book, “What Happened,” and its associated publicity tour lean heavily on placing blame for her 2016 election loss: sexism, racism, reverse-racism, xenophobia, James Comey, Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, fake news, social media, WikiLeaks, the Russians, etc.
The media aren’t supposed to spin it that way, though. CNN senior reporter Dylan Beyers got into a bit of hot water Wednesday when he expressed a less-than-flattering opinion of Hillary’s non-victory victory lap through the media:
The Hillary Clinton "I-take-full-responsibility-but-here-are-all-the-other-reasons-I-lost" tour continues to be intrinsically problematic.
— Dylan Byers (@DylanByers) September 13, 2017
to you personally?
— Marc Nichol (@CurselessinNEO) September 13, 2017
Maybe not. This is not the time for reporters to be critical of Hillary Clinton, who has bravely re-entered the public spotlight to explain what happened from her (wildly delusional) perspective. Followers let him know they didn’t appreciate his name for the book tour, which they found … problematic.
I see something intrinsically problematic with this tweet. And you.
— Yeah. Pragmatic. (@Cycle4) September 13, 2017
Why? Because you say so? And that matters because???
— Susan Murphy (@susmurphy) September 13, 2017
Susan, he's a man, so we should accept what he says as fact.
— I ❤ Lucy (@hawley_lisa) September 13, 2017
What's intrinsically problematic is the misogyny that's followed her, her entire life. But sure, I'd love another white man's take on it.?
— Hillary Del (@hillary3197) September 13, 2017
The Dylan Byers et al "we are misogynists but will never admit it" tour continues to be intrinsically problematic.
— Odette Roulette (@odetteroulette) September 13, 2017
Another white guy…yammer, yammer, yammer. ?
— Dr. AHM My rage is like a fine red wine ? (@AHammondmeyer) September 14, 2017
Seems like it's only problematic for dudes who tripped & fell & now there's something up their butt the approx size and shape of HRC's book
— Janie Jones (@janieqjones) September 13, 2017
Intrinsically being a woman is extrinsically problematic for some.
— As I Sit Here Today (@IngaProgressive) September 13, 2017
Bro journalist's need for female self abasement trumps Russian interference, Trump collusion, Mercer/Koch agenda
— Illinois Girl (@azrev) September 13, 2017
doesn't sound problematic to me…. sounds like a man who has a hard time comprehending multiple things being correctly said by a woman
— I vote BLUE (@audiosting) September 13, 2017
"…continues to be intrinsically problematic"?
Only to the media, esp the white males!#FAIL
— jan (@freespeak3) September 13, 2017
Another"young Turk" attacking the woman who won popular vote. Guys like this are why I am watching more MSNBC. They like women there.
— Deborah Troop – Resist (@djtroop51) September 13, 2017
You know what's problematic? Ppl who can't grasp that HRC can take responsibility & STILL acknowledge outisde factors in loss.
— Victoria (@UpNorth62) September 13, 2017
Did you even read the book or are you – as many in the press seem to be – suffering from Clinton derangement syndrome?
— Alexander Louis (@AlexanderLouis6) September 13, 2017
Hey @DylanByers and @CNN how about taking responsibility for your own failure to honestly cover Trump? He's a traitor yet you rip Hillary.
— Cocacolakid (@Cocacolakid) September 13, 2017
Lol, you work for CNN. Sit down and shut up. You're not needed or wanted.
— Jessica ??? (@NoFascistsPls) September 13, 2017
Don't you have some Trump empty podium to film?
— Rose Lavelle Stan (@joshlyman16) September 13, 2017
I watched @CNN broadcast live footage of an empty podium while elsewhere HRC was talking policy.
Why won't YOU take responsibility?
— beeswax (@realmissbeeswax) September 13, 2017
* * *
Jessica Valenti: Book tour Hillary more president than Trump will ever be — except for being president https://t.co/swJ7FACJYO
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) September 13, 2017
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